
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I woke that day
Everything felt fine
Until you spoke those words
That I did not want to hear
But I knew they were on the cards
Something inside knew
Call it intuition
Call it what you want
But somehow I knew
It was over
See it always happens to me
Happy for a while
But then life has it’s funny way
Of kicking me where it hurts
Reminding me that happiness
Is short lived
Makes me work for everything
Nothing comes easy
That’s the cycle of my life
Up and down
Maybe that’s to teach me
Nothing that is worthwhile
Can just be had
It takes work and stress and toil
I’m not bitter
‘Cos somehow I always
Come out the other side
Happy or sad
No difference to me
That’s just life’s merry go round