
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I humbly appraise my mother's worth,
It began with pain to give me birth,
Which triggered off a love so strong,
Blossoming into a life-long bond.
When needed, she was always there,
Someone I realised would always care.
And the older I got the more I knew,
A mother's love sincere and true.
Now as I watch Mum age in years,
I'm happy to help and ease her fears.
Privileged now to play my part,
As she did for me from the very start.

Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The damp brown earth invites my
New roots
Was it you, Mama,
Who showed me this?
You bandaged my grazed knee
And told me the names of flowers
My children pull at my hands
They want to help with digging
All the small remembered hours
Seeds of memory
Your face is soft with time
As mine will be
Time grows like the rings of the oak
I tell my children
The names of flowers

Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My angel has a heart so precious,
and sometimes her hair shines of gold.
She is full of love and kindness,
she makes my life meaningful and bold.
My angel is so smart,
always showing me the right way.
Without her I'd be lost,
I know she'll never lead me astray.
My angel is beautiful,
she is so special and like no other.
I love her,
for my angel is my mother.

Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
sometimes i am glad
that i was granted the pleasure,
of being alive.
other times i wish that this pleasure
was no more.
i have loved and lost so much-
in my life.
within a small amount of time,
i have lost my mother.
she was one of my best friends.
when i was down-
she knew just how to help me up.
when i was having other problems;
trouble in school,
trouble with friends,
she was there there to talk
she always knew what to say
just to make me smile.
just what to do
to make everything alright
Although sometimes i said i hate her,
none of it was true.
i was always glad to have her around.
and to have her right here.
she meant so much to me,
and now she is gone.
Although you may see it
as only losing a mother,
i see it
as losing a friend
and a companion in life.