2007:A Bright year for Lollywood?

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Well 2006 have been a really bad year for Lollywood with only one hit"Majajan".This year there was a good amount of bad films with most of them containing vulgur scenes.
Majajan was the only film which was good and was a Box-Office Hit!

Now 2007 is just here!!!

Well i think so tht 2007 will be a bright year for Lollywood...why...becuz many promising films r to rls like:

Khuda Key Liye,Kabhi Pyar Na Karna,Godfather,Zil-E-Shah,Mohabattan Sachiyan,Jhoomar,Khulley Asman Key Neechey,Majajan(Re-Releasing in Karachi,I hope it releases at a better cinema like Capri or Prince because the cinema Bambino at which t was released was pathetic),Chana Sachi Muchi,Tum Sey Pyar Hai,and many more.Most of the films are expected to be good.

So what is ur say?
Posted 16 Dec 2006

yoyo says
majajan wasnt hit, its was all time blockbuster.

out of next year films i think zil-e-shah, jhoomar, KAKN, KPNK can be hits.

main lout kar aao ga, mohubat sachiyan and chana sachi muchi will be super hits

while khuda ke liye, will be all time blockbuster
Posted 16 Dec 2006

kakn just a hit 2 punjabi movies superhits
Posted 16 Dec 2006

yoyo says
yes, jaweid shiek is a rubbish dirctor, YDAKH was hit because of hype, money surronding it.

majajan was blockbuster so why cant punjabi films be super hit, infact top 3 grossing movies in pakistan are punjabi.
Posted 17 Dec 2006

paki lion says
Lollywood will never have a bright future or year..neverrrrrr...to realise this, first of all, all punjabi sh*t movies like gujjars/badmaash movies should be rid off..then we have to established atleast 1000 DTS cinema's across Pakistan...then we have to come wid a good technology...and we have to come forward wid a good script/story...then it MIGHT do well..soo...will lollywood be able to full these demands? yess...ofcourse.......after 20 years!
Posted 17 Dec 2006

rubbish? that doesnt mean every punjabi movie will be superhit
Posted 17 Dec 2006

nikama says
i;m looking forword to k.k.l,k.a.k.n,and mohabtan sachian.rest i think will be just run of the mill stuff.
but for a true revival of pakistani cinema we need atlest 5,6 block busters a year.
cinema's condition is really pathetic no body wants to see a movie in cinemas with ones family and that is a major hurdle in the development of paki movie business
Posted 18 Dec 2006

mohabtan sachian stars also akshay
Posted 18 Dec 2006

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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