
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Even a blind man can clearly see
The road that beseeks his destiny.
I often feel that I have been
A transposed figure, sin within.
Cast into an immortal world,
Where meteors from Hell, are hurled
Like burning fire at my feet.
The Devil reigning in his realm
Fires human souls into his kiln.
Burn out the good! Leave just the sin!
And when he's through he'll take you in
A lightening bolt, a fiery blast
There find your Destiny at last
You can't go back, you can't retreat
But if instead your soul be good
Your heart be pure and as it should
You'll find instead the Upward Trail
Seek the Chalice and Holy Grail
If man to man you can be true,
And man to God your soul renew
Then Destiny to you will be
A heavenly home for eternity
No other choice can be so sweet