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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Change the poem, change the line,
change the meaning, change the rhyme,
change the outcome change the plan,
change the mood, change the man.

Change your looks, change your smile,
change your going, stay awhile,
change your past, change your time,
change your future, stay be mine.
Posted 24 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
i change
moment to moment.
stimulus provokes a state of being.
people change the way i think.
the way i talk, what i remember.
who I am.
Posted 24 Dec 2006

BisMa says
Change your looks, change your smile,
change your going, stay awhile,
change your past, change your time,
change your future, stay be mine.

nice sharing rhy
Posted 24 Dec 2006

nida khan says
change your life
change your way to talking
change your smiling
change your heart
change your girlfriend

different thing
Posted 24 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
thanx bisma & nida
Posted 25 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Change you can your hair color, not your skin;
Change you can your smile and grin: not your eyes;
Change you can your sex partners, not your kin;
Change you can your sinful life: Be soul-wise!

Change you can your friends and foes, not parents;
Change you can your teacher/guide, not your brain;
Change you can your exam-marks, not talents;
Change you can your habits bad and be sane.

Change you can the environment, not the sun;
Change you can the landscape old, not the soil;
Change you can your temperament and not run;
Change you can your heart and mind: you must toil.

Change you can your ambitions but be brave;
Change you can your life-styles much but behave!

Posted 25 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Time or fate may separate friends, lovers,
But friendship or love that's true will ever
Thenceforth continue to live forever,
True love conquers the odd with its power.
As time passes by, things change with the time,
Every moment, hour, day, month, and year,
All things have their turn to change with the time,
Life, time, and events change with the years.
Everyone, everything, have a time and day,
A time to change, end, begin a new day,
Change is life, the course of life everyday,
All things change, and we change with them all days.
Only the Eternal one is constant,
All things in the universe, inconstant,
But despite it all, love is important,
The world may change, but true love is constant.

Posted 25 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Change is inevitable,
But yet we fight it, just the same.

Change is essential to our evolution.

Change is going to happen,
In fact, it happens every day,
Maybe it is too small to see, or perhaps we would rather not see it.

We fight change, because we fight the unknown,
We fight the unknown, because we are scared,
Scared of change, scared of the unknown.

If we were to allow change to happen freely,
We might find solutions to the problems that exist around us,
But instead, we are hung - up on controlling everything around us.

Maybe this is the problem with the world today.
Everyone assumes control of everything and does not allow nature to run her course.

Maybe this is why, we have devastating fall out from Nature,
Natural catastrophic disasters, such as fire and flooding.

We fight change, therefore we are fighting nature and her natural being and her existence
in the world that she has created by God's hand and has graciously allowed us to be a
part of .

We should welcome change and allow nature to control our destiny.

Change is uncontrollable,
Change is inevitable,
Change is the unknown.

Nature takes pride in being one of life's illusive wonders, the unknown.
Posted 25 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Change irascible hatred; into bountiful winds of

Change hideously horrendous entities; into marvelous
rainbows inhabiting the animated skies,

Change disgustingly abominable decay; into an
overwhelmingly fragrant festoon of pearls; cascading
from the cosmos,

Change morbidly debilitating blindness; into
stupendously optimistic beams of fresh light,

Change baseless chapters of mocking incoherence; into
exquisitely grandiloquent mirrors; as articulate as
framework of God’s language,

Change perilously obese; into a robust complexioned
fountain of blissful health and celestial happiness,

Change the precariously menacing edge of knife; into a
golden carpet of profusely glistening silk,

Change the frigidly soggy matchstick melting like a
pack of cards; into an audaciously valiant warrior;
sacrificing his every belonging for his divinely

Change the solitarily dilapidated pool of fetid water;
into a garden of incredulously rejuvenating and
poignant tea leaves,

Change the pertinently buzzing parasitic mosquito;
into a charismatically dainty fairy; leaping with
exultation on the satiny cushion of paradise,
Change the agonizingly traumatized volcano’s; into
placid fountains of impeccable peace,

Change the garbage deluged gutter; into a fabulously
redolent rose; blossoming into untamed exuberance
every unfurling second,

Change the miserably dwindling and hopeless leper;
into a royal eagle soaring majestically through
crimson clouds,

Change the utterly dilapidated speck of battered
stone; into the unfathomably luxurious castle;
glistening splendidly under fiery rays of Omnipotent

Change the cowards who were ungainly dumb; into
boisterously delectable and lion hearted humming bees,

Change the viciously twisted pathways; into enchanting
tunnels leading to the absolute summit of paradise,

Change the diabolically blood sucking devils; into
philanthropically benign beings; disseminating the
true splendor of mankind,

Change the perfidiously plotting heart; into a
perpetual epitome of ultimate belonging,

Change the manipulatively corrupt and dead soul; into
the most wonderful gift called; priceless humanity,
But O! Almighty Lord; let true love; remain immortal
forever and ever and ever and ever….

Posted 25 Dec 2006

BisMa says
again vry good
Posted 25 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Posted 25 Dec 2006

Posted 26 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Posted 26 Dec 2006

valandrian says
Posted 07 May 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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