
Age: 125
Total Posts: 2
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
Hello everyone,
I live in Holland and am 19 years old, litle taller then 2 meters, weigh about 75 Kilo's. I am vegetarian and turning to veganism. I would call myself christian but considdering the negative undertone it has because of pseudo-christianity (in my opinion) i don't know what to call my own belief system. I belief in the words of the Jewish prophets and Jesus (and not those of his apostles) and am investigating Islam right now.
I will not get any more religious before i ask this question. What does rule 3 mean: No post should include Religious hatred/ topics? That i should not incite hate toward religious topics or not post about religion at all?
I hope not to get too religious but it is needed to explain myself. Jesus said: A; Love god with all you have, B; love your fellow human being as yourself. These 2 points are important to me. I refuse to use any kind of weapons and would rather give me life for someone else then to take or to let a human life be taken for me.
In my mind love is most important above everything because God is love and love keeps us sticking with God.
I feel desillusioned by the western "civilized" culture i live in am growing a desire to move to a more primitive society without grocery stores or supermarkets. The foremost society that came to mind are the Hunza's that live in your beautifull pakistani country, so thats how i ended up here. I am trying to contact them so i could somehow find out what they think about my plans and intentions. So far i have no luck trying to contact them which seems logical because from what i know they are quite isolated. I was hoping for help from you good Pakistani people and for some understanding.
hello from dutch spiceant