
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)
What to expect this year: Prudent, self-willed, thoughtful and practical Capricorns looks at the year ahead in an organised and steady way.
Ambitious as ever, you enjoy making and creating opportunities is a challenge you take on willingly as it is important to prove your mettle and talent to yourself and those who expect the best from you.
Secretive and calculative will be the way you work your way around obstacles and delays.
Be warned, this year, you will tend to take on more than you can handle.
By the end of March, balance and beauty will become top priority as you take big, independent decisions and stick only to what you personally consider vital.
Following your intuition and your inherent knowledge in your chosen field to every minute detail will make for all the positive difference. And you will see the results in September.
Those of you planning to turn an interesting hobby into a commercial project will be busy with paperwork and the legalities of the same by winter.
Weekends will be especially nostalgic as you make them memorable and enjoyable in every way.
You end the year peacefully and ready to learn and earn, keeping the fire within you burning.
Domestic life has its ups and downs. You are more understanding than ever, hence harmony prevails within and for your family.
Money matters: Starting your own business, small yet significant, will prove to be the beginning of much money, success and fame that is inevitable by the end of the year.
Property/government related matters under dispute will take their time and course of action.
Stay calm and allow things to fall into place naturally.
Health issues: Health remains satisfactory, although you feel mentally drained at times and may need small meals at regular intervals to keep you alert and energetic in spirit.
Avoiding preservatives and sticking to salads and green vegetables will help build up your constitution in a happy, healthy fashion.
Those of you suffering from backaches or arthritis are advised to try acupressure and have an exercise regime to suit you personally. Consult a doctor first though. Enjoying a hobby/sport keeps you active and feeling young always.
Romance: Love life is steady and although there are trying moments and recurring arguments with your mate, you try to be more accommodating. It would help to handle things personally and not allow third person interventions.
Small loving gestures, gifts and surprises will keep you together, smiling and bonded.
Mantra of the year: Being magnanimous is the only way to becoming bigger and better in every area of your life.
Good dates: 8, 16, 24, 28, 30, 31.
Good colours: Sky-blue, mustard, beige, silver, purple.
Stone: Amethyst.
Days: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
What to expect: Charming, choosy, contemplative and cautious Aquarians will look at 2007 with a clear-headed and yet mysterious air about themselves and their lives.
On the professional front, living in the now, absorbing what is in front of you and giving it all the justice you can remains your top priority.
Your search for firm ground, validation and purpose will be taken care of as soon as you surrender to the fact that your hard work and integrity will not be overlooked by the gods. It may be tough on certain days when you feel confused and caught up in a maze.
Around April, the sun shines brightly on you, providing you the clarity you desire. What you do with that clarity will affect your free will and hence build your dreams and the desire for a perfectly balanced and harmonious future.
Those of you dealing with projects that are new and different may need to put in more hours of focus, but success is yours for the taking by August. If employed, the temptation to switch jobs/fields will be high around this time.
Professional advice, as well as taking finance into consideration, will help make up your mind.
Progress, promotions and work-oriented travel will keep you busy and smiling in small spurts and bursts throughout. And you make the most of every rich, learning experience.
Money matters: Money inflow remains constant although expenditures continue to be high and you are a natural spendthrift with your extravagant streak to possess and enjoy the very best that money can buy. Be true to yourself and more will come when you least expect it.
You end the year feeling triumphant and on top of things as you deal and wheel with the best, making a mark for yourself.
Health issues: You could do better with planning your day and getting many more hours of useful sleep. Your schedule may be erratic, affecting your digestive system, and could make you sensitive and over-irritable.
Keep yourself calm, composed and full of vigour. If suffering from a long ailment, surgery will be inevitable and successful.
Relax. Enjoy weekends keeping yourself cosy and comfortable.
Romance: It's in the air and you breathe it constantly. The search of a mate who makes you feel sweet and special is constant.
You are likely to be assertive and approachable, and might take things too quickly to begin with.
Let your impulsive streak rest for a bit and have full faith in the one that will fancy you. Surprises are worth looking out for.
Mantra of the year: Be yourself. You are great.
Good dates: 3, 4, 5, 15, 25, 30.
Good colors: Blue, green, black, silver.
Stone: Garnet.
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
What to expect: Inspirational, loving, truthful and peaceful Pisceans welcome this year on an assertive and astute note and with a smile on their faces.
Professionally, plans may not amount to much action, and a change in thinking will play an important role.
In February-March, you change many a chosen track for something more exciting and appealing to your aesthetic senses. If involved in the media/event management/film industry, you prove your talent in areas of your expertise, going against the grain and yet earning a lot of appreciation and pleasant responses.
Your sensibilities and ideas will be novel and hence beneficial and lucrative in the long run.
Business-cum-pleasure journeys are plenty after August and the chances of a transfer or settling down temporarily in another country for a definite purpose will prove the perfect move and beneficial to all involved.
Family members will be more than eager to spend quality moments with you whenever possible.
Students do their best and opt for job-oriented courses/study by October, hoping to end the year on a purposeful and dedicated note.
Lady luck is on your side and your charismatic streak makes sure to keep you a winner in all your endeavours.
Money matters: Money inflow increases mid-year, and investing it, dabbling with stocks/share is indicated. If employed, a prestigious post by a rival industry may come to you in July, causing morally conflicting moments.
Keeping aside your personal opinions and being politically correct, you will take on these challenging ventures with good spirit, and hope others will understand your enthusiasm and ambition.
Support comes from all quarters and you will be quick to r