Congrats Asst.MODS

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 5253
Points: 0

United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Congrats to all u ppl in green ;)
i mean who see their names in green.. i wont say much but just do jb proud. work hard and prove urself and get promoted soon.
we r expecting a lot from u ppl... dont let us down.
best of luck and Cheers... PARTY
Posted 05 Sep 2003

madmax says
and sweetie
Posted 06 Sep 2003

sharara says
see except for hte 4 old mods rest all new r asst. to find out check main forums page as mods ok?
and Congrats pppppeeeeepppsss
Posted 06 Sep 2003

oh i think im bit late..kher no pprob..congrats all of ya jee..[:)]
Posted 06 Sep 2003

SBG18 says
who r they
Posted 06 Sep 2003

sharara says
Sweetei requested as she cudnt give tiem..
stop eatimng me alive
Posted 06 Sep 2003

madmax says
well i wont stop unless you do something ma;am
Posted 06 Sep 2003

sweetie says
f&f.. shary ne sahi kiya hae. i requested her.. so shush up.. and carry on with ur job :p

Posted 06 Sep 2003

Mummy says

hi..saweety how are you.
Posted 06 Sep 2003

sweetie says
hey mummy.. im good thanx.. how r u doin'.. where have u been for so long??

Posted 06 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Congr8ts all who have become office assistant here. Hope u all typing, short hand, MS Office, filing ,Cleaning and going to the cafe to bring tea for the MODS , GL u all.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Posted 07 Sep 2003

desibaba says
Just hope they provide more balance to the JB boards. which is going thru a bad time.
Wish good to JB and the moderatos.
Posted 08 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
so nice of ya .. they have been selected for ya ppl /..... j k j k
Posted 08 Sep 2003

hahahaha am i the selected one
Posted 08 Sep 2003

sharara says
ok now one last comment to all. if u mind.. im sorry.

but if im to do all the work wot r u all there for? NAKHRE?

pls ppl i want peace nad i mean it.
no more conditions.. and the ones im talking to KNOW it.

and rest of u.. lets stop partying alone and start making jb the non stop party place for all.
Posted 08 Sep 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
CoNgRaTuLaTiOn§ To All Of YoU Ne\/\/ MoD§ ..
    We All Hope U Will Make This Site Much Better
    & Popular Than Any Other Chat Site On Internet World
    I Wish U All All The Best ... Remb Together We Stand [;)]

Posted 08 Sep 2003

ricky says
ffm man , u rock !!!!!!!!!!
Posted 08 Sep 2003

sharara says
ffm, bf ppl like u rock.
the ones who ditch the boat in the beggining prove they r not capapble of the responsibility nad trust.

and u know who im talking bout. u ppl hurt me by letting me know my decision in u pl was wrong
Posted 09 Sep 2003

Shary, every thing is in Under Control :)

Congratulation... !!!
Posted 09 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
hopin for that
Posted 09 Sep 2003

madmax says
yea every thing is under control
Posted 09 Sep 2003

valandrian says
Posted 26 Apr 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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