My prayer

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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan

O the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious!
It is Your own proclamation,
It is Your own revelation,
that, to You, all Your creations are so precious!

All the blessings that You have given
we have not thanked You,
but that information, to You, is not new
Yet, You say, just for sincere asking we are forgiven!

You gave me guidance and knowledge;
But with others so little I shared
And to remove illiteracy so little I cared
Yet, Your mercy abounds as turns my life's page.

Little did I appreciate Your divine love
Little did I keep Your command,
Little did I seek Your firm hand;
No, I defied Your message from Heaven above!

I failed to keep the trust on my shoulder,
Shouldn�t my life have been the Truth�s representation?
Shouldn�t my heart in obedience have fallen in prostration?
Yet, in sin I have become only bolder.

Yet, Your invitation to mercy and forgiveness I accept,
At Your noble door I knock!
The mystery of Your grace who can unlock!
With all the goodness and badness please embrace this inept.

In forgiveness You seem to take pride,
In mercy and affection lies Your glory,
How mysterious is Your creation-story!
Please hold my weak hand and be my Guide.

If we the earthlings did not commit any sin,
These earthlings You would seek to replace,
Isn�t that what You said in loving grace?*
Hence, despite my best effort, on Your grace my hope I pin.

To Your loving guidance let me lend my ears!
If there is anything good in me, that�s Your blessing,
My repentance is, I guess, what I�m expressing!
Though not as abundant as Your mercy, like raindrops, I offer my tears!

Let from this earth disappear all the gloom!
Let the tree of justice, peace and harmony grow!
Your loving guidance let us not waste and throw!
Let in Your mercy and grace all of us bloom!
Posted 24 Feb 2007

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