September 6th defence day

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Age: 41
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hurst, United States
September 6th 1965 was not an ordinary day. At dawn,on this day India attacked Pakistan without a declaration of war Indian forces crossed and advanced towards Lahore. With national secrurity at risk Pakistan plunged into battle. The Pakistan army flexed it's muscle and displayed some serious damaage to india the air force bomed targets as far as Dehli and most of kashmir was also under Pakistani controll
while the Indian forces sufferd a huge loss of soliders before even making it into Lahore.
The war lasted for many days with heavy causualties in India
the Soviet Union a major superpower of the world at that time and India's alliey put a stop to the war which Pakistan won in huge numbers
After the war Kashmir Indian occupied kashmir was to be returned
and due to threats from The soviets and the americans.
Posted 06 Sep 2003

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