Brilliant, Genius, Enlightened, Insanity

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It's a time for poetry
Not that swooshy
Romantic kind of poetry
But that emo
I want to kill myself kind of poetry
The artist that uses mostly black and red paint
One to describe the emptiness inside
There, just underneath the surface
Dying to get out
The other for blood

I want everyone to go down who isnt as horrible as me
The one where you are stuck off
Wishing you had a gun
When you are packed with enough anger
To perform
Herculean feats

You sit down on your bed
And you don't realize
That you are violently going
Back and forth
Back and forth

You can feel the idiocy of the world
Pressuring on you
LIke a gigantic
I try to push out my own bubble
My bubble of brilliant

But alas
I can't
So their bubbles must die
They must die

No one will expect it will they?
The sweet girl
With the keychains and a smile
But so alone
Just so alone

So lonely

Posted 28 Feb 2007

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