My Love Of Life

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My love of life and all it entails,
brings smiles to my heart.
The universe and all creation,
abound with such beauty.

Seasons change and life renews
while nature brings rebirth.
Stars fall with heavenly glow,
upon the rolling meadows.

Motherhood in all its splendor,
great are the rewards.
Lifelong journey so cherished are,
unbroken bonds of love.

My lifetime so full of dreaming,
as faith and hope endure.
Blessings showered upon me,
sent by God Almighty.

Conquering mountains high,
uplifted, my soul will fly.
Extended throughout my earthly life,
I share my abundance of love.

Posted 15 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Beyond the moon truth lies,
a broken hearted lover cries.
Sweet tenderness tossed away,
keeps fears and moon at bay.

Trampled heart,devastation,
from his cold manipulation.
Spews words so meaningless,
untold truths of emptiness.

To a fault, true love to crave,
to the rescue, a knight so brave,
Into her heart, he would pierce,
pain, sorrow, deep and fierce.

Ravaged her, took her pride,
now worthlessness felt inside.
So naive, she would believe,
as he practiced to deceive.

Once a beauty, silent rose,
now withers, no longer grows.
Yearns for a breath of spring,
amid pain lost love can bring.
Posted 15 Mar 2007

nice sharing natasha
Posted 15 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx sagar
Posted 15 Mar 2007

~tasha~ said:

thanx sagar

u r welcome
Posted 15 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
so sweet
Posted 15 Mar 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 16 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
thx fg
Posted 16 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Love is not forthright and obeying
You must look at what's underlying
Love is not without pain or tears
Love is full of heartache and fears
BUT Love is also filled with warmth and joy
Love that can be felt by any girl or boy
Love fills our hearts with laughter and glee
Love makes us feel as if we are free
So tell me now, how do you feel?
Is falling in love a good deal?
Is it worth all the heartache pain?
Is it something you want to gain?
Now is not the time hide
It's your turn, decide...
Posted 29 Mar 2007

Posted 29 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Fly me away wind, past the moon
away from life's destruction and ruin
sail me through the Heaven on high
let me soar like an eagle in the sky

Take me up to meet the sunbeams
no matter how far fetched it seems
then let me try to catch a falling star
take me to happiness no matter how far

Floating around many light years away
let me search for love come what may
leap frogging from star to star in play
chasing moonbeams at the end of day

Carry me up wind, above the earth
fill my heart with merriment and mirth
let my mind travel for mile after mile
to the warmth of the sun to finally smile

Wind keep me there forever and a day
there my dreams don't seem so far away
up where my love and I can wander free
with warm thoughts rushing back to me

Posted 31 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
How can someone feel so lonely
even when surrounded by love
can someone feel abandoned
believing in the Lord above?

Why do the gray clouds appear
bringing with it so many a tear
how do you stop loving someone
why do the nightmares appear?

Where does over the rainbow end
why do all my dreams fly away
how do I face the endless nights
without sunshine at break of day?

Has my sunshine began fading
did it leave with summer's end
has life changed with the season
when love suddenly had to end?

Why do I reach to hold your hand
why do I miss your calming voice
how do I not miss you so much
when loving you is my choice?
Posted 31 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
As doubts creep into my tomorrows
my courage seems to disappear
searching aimlessly for happiness
elusive dreams are all I have found

Bravery has been only an illusion
fear of the sorrow love may bring
captures and tortures my inner soul
never believing love can be forever

Like a rainbow love is beautiful
yet it is elusive and disappears
creating temporary happiness
for only a brief moment in time

Somehow I must get beyond my fears
find the courage of a lion on the hunt
see beyond my fear of abandonment
and roar atop the mountain I must climb

I must look within for my intrepidity
fearlessness must not elude me forever
I must realize there can be happiness
for me beyond the fleeting rainbow

I must be undaunted by past sorrow
be fearless and learn to love again
as I find the courage to face my fears
just maybe, love can become a reality

Posted 31 Mar 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 01 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 01 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
Embrace my heart what is unsure,
reveal my love so true.
if once betold, does love endure,
or is it bid ado?

With trepidation, words spoken,
true love is what I seek.
Heart will soar or now lay broken,
my soul within I speak.

Upon the breeze, in evening's song,
he vanished in the night.
My heart now lay in sorrow's throng,
for words of love's requite.

Soon gave his heart to love anew,
as unknown arms embraced.
Sadly I bid do,
to echoes of love retraced.

Posted 05 Apr 2007

~tasha~ said:

Posted 05 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
shahrukh khan said:

~tasha~ said:

Posted 05 Apr 2007

cutefriend says
Posted 05 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 06 Apr 2007

Posted 06 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
Rehan M Din said:

Posted 06 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
My Life

Sprinkles in reality
Holding loved ones near
Routines running rapidly
More than one can peer

Finding strength in family
Lasting love is here
Pulling back my sanity
Day by day less fear

Posted 13 Apr 2007

Posted 23 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
thx once again
Posted 23 Apr 2007

Posted 24 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
We Try...

I always think of it
Though I may look like I don't care
My world relies on your opinion alone
I'm looking for guidance in your blank stare
You loved me once, you said it yourself
But that was so long ago, so far away
Now we're maiming eachotheres life
Hating every beautiful day
We're spreading insults like wildfire
This war is so useless
Constant fighting is just torture
Our so called relationship is a mess
How did we become so broken?
When we once couldn't go a day alone
And now I'm alone every day
You're not finding a way home
Can we ever change?
Find a way to make things good again?
I wait for the day when we'll speak
When we might try to be friends
Posted 23 May 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 23 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 23 May 2007

~tasha~ says
I am alone now
just as I alway shall be,
you no longer care for me,
now you see me as the rest do,
I am condemd,
to live my life this way
to be alone never feeling safe
only scared, lonly, and rejected,
this is my life
that which I must live
Posted 24 May 2007

~tasha~ says
My wish will never be
this hole will stay empty
I shall never be whole
never be loved
this is my unwanted fate
yet it shall be
for I have no say
now I only look to die
to leave this place behind
leave it to those
with a will to survive
no longer I
to much has been seen
with these eyes
this tempered heart
has been shattered
no longer strong
but broken
this is how I leave
and I say goodbye
to those who stay
Posted 24 May 2007

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