Devdas trailer ON-AIR!

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Hey i saw the devdas trailer on filmazia!
was just switichn channels tht a tariler of a film was comin having lines Biggest Budget music ever made in Pakistan,Asha Bhosle as singer,and other lines,...i thought its MADLKA but was DEVDAS!Yes Pakistani Devdas with Meera and Reema in it!
Well the pic quality,graphics,sound quality was awesome!The picturisation was good whereas Meera was lookin ok whereas Reema was lookin good!The hero and producer Nadeeam Shah was looking soo...wat can i say...i think so he should have taken an established actor for tht role!Anyways it all depends on his acting talent now!
Well the best thing is he is young and passionate!I saw the making and he well-educated!The budget of the movie is 10-15 crore and direcotr is Iqbal Kashmiri.
According to producer its based on Bengali Novel,The Devdas in India was not according to the novel!
They should change da name of da movie!

And how cum they released the trailer when only few songs and scenes have been shot!
Well the trailer was overalll nice!
Posted 16 Mar 2007

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