Once upon a time JANUBABA went to Germany for vacations, there he checked in a hotel named DOSSELPOH, at the reception he met ADMIN of the hotel. ADMIN: Welcome sir to Germany and have a nice stay. JANUBABA: Thank you ADMIN. Which way is the coffee shop? ADMIN: To your right sir. JANUBABA: Why don’t you join me for a cup of coffee. ADMIN: Well... oh ok sir. both of them went in the coffee shop ADMIN: Waiter can you bring us 2 cups on coffee plz. Waiter: Ok sir. JANUBABA: Ok tell me ADMIN where are you from? ADMIN: Sir i am from Pakistan. JANUBABA: Gooda Gooda, Me also. While waiting for coffee JANUBABA sees a paki girl sitting on the next table and asks her. JANUBABA: Hi CUTE_GAL you look like u r from a Pakistan. CUTE_GAL: Yes I am from Pakistan JANUBABA: Gooda Gooda, Me also. JANUBABA: Nice diamond you are wearing, it looks FLAWLESS. CUTE_GAL: Yes, it is FLAWLESS. JANUBABA: and the dress you are wearing SHARARA, are you getting married. CUTE_GAL: Yes today i am getting engaged JANUBABA: Gooda Gooda, Me also. And then the coffee comes: CUTE_GAL: Watch out this coffee is 2HOT4U ADMIN: Ok JANUBABA i have to go to airport to pick LONDON_KI_HOOR. JANUBABA: LONDON_KI_HOOR.????? ADMIN: Yes she and SEXYBABYGIRL18 will sing tonight at the MANI club. JANUBABA: Gooda Gooda, Me also. JANUBABA loves to hear songs so he turns on his room radio and tunes to station FFM and listens to his favorite song WARMTH OF LOVE. Suddenly the door bell rings JANUBABA: Come in SANAM411: Hi sir my name is SANAM411 and Mr. TARAR786 has sent me to pick u for diner. JANUABABA: ok lets go. In the lift while going down , the lift stops at 5th floor and a man enters, JANUBABA: Hello FAYSAL, what r u doing here in Germany FAYSAL: I came for holiday, JANUBABA: Gooda Gooda, Me also. Rest laterz...................
Age: 47
8293 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
JANUBABA: FAYSAL why dont you join me for dinner. FAYSAL: who else will be there JANUBABA: all members of janubaba.com except BAZIGAAR FAYSAL: BAZIGAAR??? JANUBABA: Yes BAZIGAAR, I miss him so much, i dont know where he went...... Rest Laters...........
Age: 47
8293 days old here
Total Posts: 380
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
While waiting for dinner to be served with all his ADMINS n MODS at TARAR786's house , JANUBABA see's 2 guys sitting in the corner. JANUBABA goes to them and ask's JANUBABA: Hi Guys. Why dont you guys join me for dinner. SALL: No JANUBABA, we had a fight.... PUMPKIN: No he started.... SALL: No you started.. JANUBABAB: Wait guys.. what were u fighting about. PUMPKIN: SALL calls me KADOO.. SALL: I did not call him Kadoo, just asked him do you like Kadoo, n he got angry.. PUMPKIN: No JANUBABA.... I asked him what is in the menu n he said kaddo gosht ; kaddo keema ; kaddo chicken ; kaddo k parathe ; kaddo ka raita... see how it is possible all kadoo dishes.. JANUBABA: Ok guys now shake hands, and lets have dinner.. So SALL n PUMPKIN were friends again.. and joined JANUBABA for dinner. And the dinner was served... JANUBABA: WOW what a cool menu..kaddo gosht ; kaddo keema ; kaddo chicken ; kaddo k parathe ; kaddo ka raita... PUMPKIN: JANUBABAAAAAAAAAAA I will kill you. JANUBABA: Helpppppppppp Suddenly SWEETIE comes to help.. SWEETIE: Whats happening guys why are you all fighting.... Rest Laterz.....
Age: 80
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 2756
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Moscow, Russian Federation
of course not bibijan.....it's a nice story :)
and sall...u have a great talent to be a chef !!! lol first ...can u invent new menu using rat or mouse flesh ??? mmmm...poor pinkooooooooo lol tell me the menu when I am back ti jb later tata
Age: 125
7860 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
aeeeeeenn [:O] janubaba needs to change his glasses, coz me not a guy [:(] khair no worrriesss.. nice story bibijan,, but dont forget.. i want kaddo ka halwa for sweeet dish, hehhehee [:D]
---------- heyyy pumpkinnnn.. keep ur fav dishes for urself,, yuk yukkkkkkk.. and i m not a chef, i jsut order what i wannntttt [bandit]
Age: 47
8293 days old here
Total Posts: 380
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
Suddenly SWEETIE comes to help.. SWEETIE: Whats happening guys why are you all fighting.... JANUBABA: Well SALL and PUMPKIN were fighting about.. as JANUBABA was telling SWEETIE about the fight a mouse went by SALL's feet.. SALL: EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK.. Help a mouse.... JANUBABA: cleaning his glasses.. SALL you are a girl..OH OH..GOODA GOODA... PUMPKIN comes for her help and catches the mouse and runs in the kitchen.. PUMPKIN: Hi chef.. take this and make a broast out of it. CHEF: Ok Sir, who will eat it. PUMPKIN: well i will eat the brain and rest SALL will finish it..also bring kaddo ka halwa as sweeet dish.. all enjoyed the dinner and back to the hotel.. At the reception desk JANUBABA ask's for his room key and suddenly... Rest Laterz....
Age: 47
8293 days old here
Total Posts: 380
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
At the reception desk JANUBABA ask's for his room key and suddenly... he hears a loud yell ..eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh... JANUBABA turns back and see SALL jumping up n down..[bounce] SALL:i haaaattte rats yaaaarrrr..... yukkkkkkkk.. hellllpppppppppppp PUMPKIN comes to help... catches the mouse from the tail and says PUMPKIN: comon SALL it's just a mouse.. SALL: NO dont come near me..... Rest laterz........
Age: 125
8155 days old here
Total Posts: 2965
Points: 0
Indonesia, Indonesia
And in the morning ....everyone ready for breakfast....
and this is a special menu for Janubaba, sall, pumpkin, bibi, sweeti, sharara,WOL,cute_gal, night, ayesha fanz, flawless, 2hot4u, mani, tarar, faysal, ffm, ....and many others
Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 12992
Points: 0
Nepal, Nepal
quote:Originally posted by BibiJan
While waiting for dinner to be served with all his ADMINS n MODS at TARAR786's house , JANUBABA see's 2 guys sitting in the corner. JANUBABA goes to them and ask's JANUBABA: Hi Guys. Why dont you guys join me for dinner. SALL: No JANUBABA, we had a fight.... PUMPKIN: No he started.... SALL: No you started.. JANUBABAB: Wait guys.. what were u fighting about. PUMPKIN: SALL calls me KADOO.. SALL: I did not call him Kadoo, just asked him do you like Kadoo, n he got angry.. PUMPKIN: No JANUBABA.... I asked him what is in the menu n he said kaddo gosht ; kaddo keema ; kaddo chicken ; kaddo k parathe ; kaddo ka raita... see how it is possible all kadoo dishes.. JANUBABA: Ok guys now shake hands, and lets have dinner.. So SALL n PUMPKIN were friends again.. and joined JANUBABA for dinner. And the dinner was served... JANUBABA: WOW what a cool menu..kaddo gosht ; kaddo keema ; kaddo chicken ; kaddo k parathe ; kaddo ka raita... PUMPKIN: JANUBABAAAAAAAAAAA I will kill you. JANUBABA: Helpppppppppp Suddenly SWEETIE comes to help.. SWEETIE: Whats happening guys why are you all fighting.... Rest Laterz.....