When Castles Crumble

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Castles crumble in midnight dreams,
upon the stone, written no more.
No more happily ever after,
shadows cast in sorrows rebore.

Tales of woe from love unrequited,
my existence no longer replete.
Heart now weeps, once filled with joy,
loneliness seeps, in life incomplete.

Sorrow lay dormant as love appears,
eyes oblivious to the pain.
Out of sight, beneath love's splendor,
misery of tear stained rain.

The brevity of life worth living,
thoughts to grave to contemplate.
As darkness looms on new horizons,
my unknown challenges await.

Though time stood still my fortitude,
I search the depth of my soul.
My journey deep, to comprehend,
restore my faith, to take control.

Posted 07 Apr 2007

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