Yesterday’s Rose

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A single rose lay in silent beauty,
rememberence of a time so long ago,
just like grains of sand in an hourglass,
without you time seems to drift by so slow.

Balmy sea breeze blow upon sandy dunes,
the fragrance of the sweet rose fills the air,
soft petals speak softness of pink and white,
nature's splendor abundant everywhere.

The falling springtime mist is so soothing,
rain drops turn into early morning dew,
sunshine beckons to a new day dawning,
as springtime placidity relaxes you.

Waves lapping upon far distant shore,
disturbs the silence with a slight splashing sound,
memories of love delight my senses,
thoughts of you and the sweet rose abound.

Posted 15 Apr 2007

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