
Age: 125
Total Posts: 10
Points: 0
Choose guys and girls what would you like to give to the person above yew
ICE-CREAM....(for the person i don know about, but he/she might b a very sweet person)
[]navySMILE........(b/c he/she iz really nice)
CHOCOLATES....(for ma dearest n sweetest frend)
LOLLY POP.....(he/she seems to be a chiLd)
FLOWERZ…. (be my friend)
SWEEEEETS...... (for being so nice)
BUNCH OF ROZES....(for the person i Like most
KISS.......(a sudden crush~!!!!)
NaaaaH..... (not ma typo ):s
KICK....... (i dont Like the person )
SLAP....... (u deserve dat)