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Age: 124
Total Posts: 120
Points: 0

United States, United States
It's inside me desperate to get out
It claws my insides making them raw
It chides me and teases like a sadistic child
Sometimes I have trouble breathing
Suffocation-that's what it knows
Bursting inside me about to explode
Jumping around inside me, it makes me sick
Sick with worry and fain
What if someone sees it?
Will their opinion of me change?
What if I don't want it to escape and it does?
What if someone sees it in my eyes?
Close your eyes, don't let them see
I don't want to live-
To be alive, really alive, would mean to feel
I don't want to feel
It's to much right now
Don't let the light escape
Don't let the rhythm loose
Forever it is beating at my insides
Trying so desperately to escape
I like my black and white world
My color free world
If I feel-I see color
If I see color-I'll smile, I'll laugh, I'll cry
I don't want to feel
It tries to escape
The light disintegrates my wall
It shines in my eyes
It makes my heart beat to a rhythm
It comes through my hand in poetry
It comes out of my mouth in a melody
It courses in my blood strongly
It consumes me completely
It taps my foot in contagious rhythm
Now I dance and sing
No! I don't want to feel
Don't give in to the urge
You'll be sorry....You'll be sorry
It's escaping I'm coming undone
Color-I see so much color
Vibrant, beautiful, lovely array of colors
red, orange, yellow, blue, green, gray
passion, joy, happiness, calmness, trust, bleakness
So many colors
Emotions wash over me
It's escaped
Everyone can see me
See it-the change
They know now
I feel
Who will be the first to embrace me?
Who will be the first to love me?
Who am I?
Who was I?
Now I feel, I feel, I feel
To late to turn back....turn back
It is to late
Posted 27 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 27 Apr 2007

americangirl said:

It's inside me desperate to get out
It claws my insides making them raw
It chides me and teases like a sadistic child
Sometimes I have trouble breathing
Suffocation-that's what it knows
Bursting inside me about to explode
Jumping around inside me, it makes me sick
Sick with worry and fain
What if someone sees it?
Will their opinion of me change?
What if I don't want it to escape and it does?
What if someone sees it in my eyes?
Close your eyes, don't let them see
I don't want to live-
To be alive, really alive, would mean to feel
I don't want to feel
It's to much right now
Don't let the light escape
Don't let the rhythm loose
Forever it is beating at my insides
Trying so desperately to escape
I like my black and white world
My color free world
If I feel-I see color
If I see color-I'll smile, I'll laugh, I'll cry
I don't want to feel
It tries to escape
The light disintegrates my wall
It shines in my eyes
It makes my heart beat to a rhythm
It comes through my hand in poetry
It comes out of my mouth in a melody
It courses in my blood strongly
It consumes me completely
It taps my foot in contagious rhythm
Now I dance and sing
No! I don't want to feel
Don't give in to the urge
You'll be sorry....You'll be sorry
It's escaping I'm coming undone
Color-I see so much color
Vibrant, beautiful, lovely array of colors
red, orange, yellow, blue, green, gray
passion, joy, happiness, calmness, trust, bleakness
So many colors
Emotions wash over me
It's escaped
Everyone can see me
See it-the change
They know now
I feel
Who will be the first to embrace me?
Who will be the first to love me?
Who am I?
Who was I?
Now I feel, I feel, I feel
To late to turn back....turn back
It is to late

nice work...
Posted 27 Apr 2007

new_beau says
Rang Bataiann kerainn/...
Posted 30 Apr 2007

thanks for the support guys...sending mein pyaar
Posted 01 May 2007

~tasha~ says
most welcome
Posted 01 May 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 02 May 2007

Posted 02 May 2007

cutefriend says
Posted 03 May 2007

shukariya dost
Posted 03 May 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 03 May 2007

Posted 07 May 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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