The Special Class Mentality

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Some call it "preferential treatment" mentality, some call it elite or aristocratic mentality. Whatever you call it, its the same. Like arpathied, people with special class mentality prefers special treatment for themselves and their cronies. They think and believe that human beings really exist in two sharply distinct groups - the 'prefered' and the 'less prefered' or people with disabilities.

People with special class mentality lose sight of their own organization¹s best interests because they think their own survival and the organization¹s are the same.They believe their own justifications are the only answers to all the problems in the world and forget how badly they sound to other people. They open their circle of advisers only to people who needs them for personal reasons, eliminating divergent views especially when they need them most.

The main problem with people with this type mentality is that they don¹t even know they have it. They prefer to believe that every other people have it but them. They lose the ability to recognize the true dimensions of a problem. They think their cleverness can make things better and are mystified that it only compounds the problem.

But there is a reason why they want preferential or special treatment only for themselves and their cronies. So they issue prepared statements that they think are buying them time while their bozos work out to defend them.

Posted 29 Apr 2007

sharmili says
I am not sure if you are talking in General, or about Pakistan. I assume your argument is mostly about aristocrats in Pakistan.

We were a British Colony for a very long time. After the Independence, instead of creating our own system, we just adopted British System. This resulted in the creation of this class mentioned above. British looked down on Indian people. After they were gone, the class that took over inherited that very characteristics.

Its very unfortunate that the curriculum that is being taught in these institutes still consists of British era reminents. These people think of themselves as the ruler, and not the servants of the people who pay their salaries (aka ordinary tax payers)
Posted 30 Apr 2007

~tasha~ says
no em not talking abt pakistan,
it's in general.
Posted 04 May 2007

Ashii says
yar herat ki baat yeh hai k aise log saari dunya mei hote hein but after living for more than 15 yrs in France i hardly met 3 or 4 ppl with this mentality

par Pak mei harrrr baar aise dher log milte hein

agree to sharmili
we simply adopted the British aristocrate system
but WHY
Posted 06 May 2007

sharmili says
I have come across people in US who have this mentality. Think of hollywood stars. yup, you know what i am talking about

Pakistanis adopted british system, because it benefited the people who were the "ruling party". Mr Jinnah wanted to change it, but he died soon after the birth of the country. For crying out loud, the country did not have a constitution until it was divided into two parts.

Posted 10 May 2007

nikama says
i doubt the statement that jinnah wanted to change that system,he himself was a product of the same system.and we cant put all the blame on brits,we have always had our own aristocrats,our caliphs,the ummaya and abbasi dynasties,moghul emperors,their courtmen,our present rulers...infact when i read tasha's post i thought she was talking about mushi dear
Posted 12 May 2007

Ashii says
being product of a system doesnt mean that u cant change things,,
we cant put ALL the blame on brits but we cant ignore that they encouraged and in a way made our present feudal system

a special class mentality is not a big pb in itself,, it exists/existed everywhere
the pb is an important number of ppl beleiving in it + and willing to b part of it

y I cant belong to a vv rich elite family and simply behave myself
Posted 13 May 2007

nikama says
when i say that i belong to a v v rich,elite family i'm not simply being myself,i'm showing off and this is a sign of special class mentality.jinnah was in my opinion the greatest leader we ever had after the four pious caliphs but he never once expressed his intentions to do awy with british system just because the system was perfect,the same system worked tremandously well in hong kong till is still going well in india,sri lanka and bangla desh.whats wrong with pakistan?
Posted 14 May 2007

sharmili says
nikama said:

when i say that i belong to a v v rich,elite family i'm not simply being myself,i'm showing off and this is a sign of special class mentality.jinnah was in my opinion the greatest leader we ever had after the four pious caliphs but he never once expressed his intentions to do awy with british system just because the system was perfect,the same system worked tremandously well in hong kong till is still going well in india,sri lanka and bangla desh.whats wrong with pakistan?

Inida changed the system right after Independence (for the most).

Look at what is going o nin Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. The system is not working there either. The sytem was designed to rule a colony. It was not designed to run a govt elected by people.
Posted 14 May 2007

nikama says
well may be.
i dont have much to say at the moment
Posted 22 May 2007

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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