Raw Food Enzymes

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Through tiny lenses, we are able to witness a whole new world of undiscovered life. They have been communicating to us since the dawn of time. The message is loud and clear—like the law of gravity, there is a law of Life and Death. Sickness, disease and death, or health, clarity of mind, energy and vitality. A physical condition that reflects our spiritual state.

There are two Kingdoms on earth which have very distinct cultures. They are transversely opposed to each other and have been at war for six thousand years. One rules by the law of Life—the other, the law of Death. Death, adorned in the garb of pleasure and self-indulgence. Or Life, clothed in the practical and less garish apparel of self-discipline and holiness. The North American Diet is a diet of death, rooted in a culture that has built its foundation on the wrong Kingdom. And the cells have spoken in a language that no longer can be ignored. An entire nation that is so sick that we cannot afford to treat its victims.

God is the Author of Health and Life. He speaks from many pulpits—from the heights of the Eternal Word, to the depths of a lowly donkey’s mouth. He that has an ear, let him hear—it is time that we stop and listen.

Which Kingdom does your diet reflect? Christians ought to win the world with lives that are filled with vibrancy. And as the world increases in sickness you will stand out like a light, an Ambassador of a different Kingdom.

If rocks can cry out to the Glory of God, then certainly every living cell must sing in concert to Him who is their living Creator. So let us stop and listen.


And now, direct from the World Federation of Cells, a comprehensive diet that has your health in mind. For a limited time, you can receive this celebrated program free—yes free! Its principal characteristic is its simplicity and versatility. This program will go anywhere you do—work, home, picnics, or when you have to eat on the run. The greatest feature is that you will never get sick, always have energy, never become overweight and need far less sleep. It is excellent for any age, whether healing, trying to lose weight, or simply desiring increased discipline in daily living.
This diet’s lineage is found in humankind’s long forgotten past. Eden, a place baron of Kraft Dinner and French Fries but rich in living foods that supported a living body.

The key to this revolutionary diet is this:

The greater the percentage of raw food in your diet, the healthier and happier your cells are going to be!

It just doesn’t get any simpler than that!

The earth is alive with the glory of its Creator. No longer can we live in the dark ages of our past, eating ourselves into sickness and decease, trusting a Medical Machine to make us all better. God has provided every resource needed for physical and spiritual health. Its time we stop feeding our cravings and start looking after the temple we have been given. A temple that houses the fullness of God.


There’s power in raw food, because if it’s raw, it is filled with enzymes. Vital to life, enzymes tirelessly work at breaking down food, assisting the immune system and carrying on the functions of metabolism. Lipase breaks down fat, protease breaks down protein, cellulose breaks down cellulose and amylase breaks down starch, to mention only a few.
In 1933, the first enzyme diastase was discovered. Found in the wheat germ, it acts on decomposing the natural starches in the surrounding kernel. By removing both the diastase and the wheat germ, bread had a longer shelf life, however, bread became more difficult to digest.

Enzymes are protein molecules that act like spark plugs in the body. Without them we would die. Ninety-eight enzymes have been found in the arteries. Enzymes such as cytochrome qxidase, peroxidase and catalase are components of red and white blood cells. A high source of these enzymes are in the green leaves of plants. It has been discovered that they can fight toxic substances, helping protect the body from cancer.

Scientists are learning how enzymes are crucial to the healing process. Enzymes are the biochemical foundation for thousands of digestive and metabolic functions within the body. About 5,000 different enzymes have been identified so far. Some researchers have estimated that it takes about 100,000 enzymes to run the body.

In digestion, enzymes are the active materials within digestive juices that break down the food. Enzymes are keys that unlock nutrients. They do this job without being changed. Enzymes are found in the salivary glands, liver, stomach, pancreas and the wall of the small intestine.

A fruit left on the counter for too long becomes over-ripe and turns to mush. The ripening process is due to living enzymes breaking down and digesting the fruit. In contrast, pasteurized fruit juice can remain fresh for a year because the enzymes have been destroyed by heat. Enzymes in living foods are little digestion machines, working and assisting to help break down food so that the body may easily assimilate its nutrients. Killing the enzymes for shelf life causes the body to work much harder in digestion and assimilation.

The digestion of a banana requires very few stomach secretions. What about a piece of fried chicken? Chicken contains no enzymes to help digestion. If the chicken has been eaten quickly, there will be little enzyme activity from the saliva. It will sit in the stomach like a lead brick. The body is forced to produce strong acid secretions to build up to do some of the digestion. A coffee or two splashed down, dilutes the digestive juices. The barely-digested chicken then moves on to the small intestine where bile from the gallbladder emulsifies the chicken fat. The chicken is still in need of more digestion so the remainder of the work will require the help of the pancreas. To accomplish such a difficult task, the pancreas must produce large quantities of enzymes which place a heavy burden on it.

Studies show that eating a high percentage of cooked food causes the pancreas to enlarge. A pancreas that is enlarged as a result of over-stimulation, eventually breaks down. From years of abuse, the pancreas secretes fewer enzymes and causes digestive problems such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, gastritis or diabetes.

Let’s return to our piece of fried chicken. It has now been sitting in the intestinal track for 24 hours. Because of its partially-digested state, it has become rancid. The body must respond by producing a sticky mucus which envelopes the putrefying chicken in a protective sack. As the fiberless meat moves slowly through 30 feet of intestine, the mucus sack begins to dehydrate and impact on the colon wall. This creates a hard, black, crust-like substance that builds up, layer upon layer, inside the folds of the intestine further hindering the absorption of nutrients. Mercifully after 30 hours, this mucus sack of putrefying chicken is deposited with great effort into the toilet. Our fried chicken has taken more than it has given, depleting the enzyme bank, depositing very little in nutritional value, leaving impacted, dried mucus in its wake.

In contrast, a perfectly ripe banana is sweet to the taste and pleasant to the stomach. Quickly, the enzymes that are present within the banana mix with saliva to break it down into an absorbent vitamin-rich substance. No acid secretion is needed. Passing quickly through the bowel, instead of creating mucus, the natural soft fibers clean the intestinal wall. In a matter of a few hours the banana is easily deposited. No need to spend half your life in the bathroom!

To be healthy, all essential nutrients are required by the body.
Posted 29 Apr 2007

valandrian says
Posted 03 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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