Theres no control..

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Age: 124
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Ill just let ma emotionals go.
Posted 11 Sep 2003

desibaba says
waddya mean.
Posted 12 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
are u gonna say the same thing lucidly or are we suppposed to decode it ??
Posted 12 Sep 2003

I think it means...
when you are sad...just cry...
when you are angry...get mad....
Posted 12 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
that's the way it should be...
Posted 12 Sep 2003

desibaba says
I dont know.. I think Either I dont understand English.. or what Mani wrote wasnt English.
I wish I never knew English. Anyways Nice work of deciphering there by Jupiter and Ayesha.
Posted 12 Sep 2003

Mani says
First s a spelo.....i assume people wud have enuff common sense!
Read it like this
"there is no control......I will just let my emotions go"

Why i said it, dont feel like telling u intellectuals:)
Its jus a song By eminem.......Some great eminem fans here i see...haha

Posted 12 Sep 2003

Mani says
Damn....thot i was da only F.O.B around but them guys are stting new standards
Posted 12 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 12 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
how could anybody be an eminem fan unless u like trshy nonsensical rap comin outta motown... and he s not even a motown guy... outgrew that kinda music in high school. seems like mani kid is still in that trip..i bet u like britany spears music too, how bout samntha fox lol..or christina aguileralol.. and by the way mani u r the only F.O.B around which is not necessarily derogatory, but u r also the least clued in...
Posted 12 Sep 2003

sharara says
dont get mad- get even

im gonna get even with all of u IF i see another kiddish bickering around here.

:D cheers peeps
Posted 12 Sep 2003

Mani says
haha..i guess as it may ..but i really cant get wats wid us desi'z.
Its like a trend or summing that watever is in da charts, we start dissing it just to show that we are that diffrent.

Anyways, i really like eminems musik, be it trashy or watever u say .

P.s i also think u need to get some new names other then those gals, the punch line is kinda old now :D
Posted 12 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
lolz :p
Posted 12 Sep 2003

sanam411 says
Posted 13 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
Eminem is awesome, his music aint trashy, its the music that makes sense..

There's no control, he just let's his emotions go- Sing For The Moment...

just a song...chill out peeps
Posted 13 Sep 2003

Posted 14 Sep 2003

Mani says
How old are u aiska khan?
Posted 14 Sep 2003

sharara says
some of the songs mani likes r sooo awesome
Posted 14 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
awwcmon shary !!! what are u doin !! that was such a benign statement i made ! why did u have to delete it.. and mani u r so dumb u dont even know when u r being insulted... eminem my ass !! my lines are not as old as ur taste sonny boy. i was just customzing my statement to suit ur genre of muziq and ur state of mind.. i bet u make two pig tails and put on a skirt when u go see his shows.. hope ur lingerie is 'victoria secret' lol and dont generalize desiz for god sakes cause u r the dumbest i ve met.
Posted 15 Sep 2003

Mani says
Good for u mate!
Keep urself to ffm jani etc for now..
Posted 15 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
Posted 15 Sep 2003

some of the songs mani likes r sooo awesome

yeap .. some :) j/k .. he has good sense :)
Posted 19 Sep 2003

flawless says
eminems kewl, but i like da likes of busta, fabolous, 50,snoop btr! but i still like eminem aswell! 4 ricky, dont think u shud be tellin him wat sorta music he shud or shudnt listen to!
everybody has diff taste!
chill man!:)
Posted 19 Sep 2003

how you doing :) ?
Posted 19 Sep 2003

valandrian says
Posted 26 Apr 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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