Sana and Muammar Rana during the shooting of Pakistani film Haseeno Ke Meley at Jumeirah Beach Park.
Dancing on the beach to a Lollywood beat By Aftab Kazmi, Bureau Chief
Al Ain: Celebrity Pakistani film actress Sana and scores of other prominent film stars from Lollywood are drawing the curious attention of beachgoers at Jumeirah in Dubai as they film a dance sequence for a new film.
Led by a seasoned female director, Sangeeta, the Lollywood unit is filming an Urdu language film Haseeno Ke Meley [Festivities of the Beauties]. "We have to complete our work here [UAE] in a month and then head to Switzerland," said a team member.
Many people at the beach were amazed and thrilled to watch the dance sequence by four top Pakistani actors: Sana, Muammar Rana, Nadia and Rambo.
The film has a popular cast and would set a new trend in Pakistani cinema, said the team member.
The Pakistani film industry is facing a crisis as a majority of the people, especially families, have stopped going to the cinema.
The main reason for the decline in audience, according to some Pakistani expatriates, is the weak production, unappealing stories and violent scenes. The director of Haseeno Ke Meley has made many blockbuster movies.
Sangeeta is one of the top senior heroines. She made her debut in actor-director Rehman's film Kankgan in 1969. She has been in the field, as an actress and a director, for more than 35 years.
Making a difference
Haseeno Ke Mailey is financed by a UAE-based Pakistani producer. "The film would make a difference on the big screen and help the Pakistani film industry recover from along spell of decline," said the film crew.
The team member said Dubai is the closest location from Pakistan and has all the ingredients necessary for filmmaking.
"It has top class beaches, advanced infrastructure, a friendly and conducive atmosphere, making it a big attraction for the industry," the member added.
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Your comments
Making a film in Dubai is the best way of introducing Pakistani culture abroad. Besides, it is good entertainment for Pakiatani film-goers. These efforts should be continued. R. Ishfaq Dubai,UAE
Age: 125
7601 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bilal the info regarding Tarap being a hit is wrong. You have taken this from Mazhar's site and the information is wrong unfortunately.
Agree with Charizmatic.
Sangeeta still has the potential to a top director but if only she picks better scripts.
A person who could make films like Society Girl, Mooti Bar Chawal, Thori Si Bewafi, Mehndi Lage Mere Haath, Mahal Mere Sapno Ka,etc in the late 1970s and 1980s one is disappointed with her current movies.
I myself have been films like Thori Si Bewafi, Society Girl and Mooti Bar Chawal on video.
Age: 125
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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
well sangeeta need to know her strength like syed noor knows his strength is family romantic punjabi movies and he gave hits like choriyan and majajan jus like that sangeeta need to know her strength and shud work according to it.
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
MR NICE said:
Yoyo it looks like that you are the only on this forum who can read English properly or you need glasses.
Check the site again.
we all talk english properly, not only me, maybe you are just having hard time understanding english, but evrything on this forum is in english dude, if you cant understand it, then sorry its not my problem.
so you tell me who needs glasses, as for checking the site, below is the link to mazhars site and a quote from it where he declares the film a flop.
so what are you laughting at, your self, or your wrong information.
44 films released in 2006, 10 Urdu, 13 Punjabi & 23 Pashto films Pashto films dominating, all ten Urdu film flopped, two Punjabi films successful..! Director Syed Noor and producer Saima's blockbuster Punjabi film Majajan and director Masood Butt's Sharif Gujjar are two super hit films in 2006. Sharif Gujjar - a very vulgar film - has completed golden jubilee and Majajan - a big musical romantic film which is celebrating diamond jubilee (100 weeks combined) in Lahore's cinemas. All ten Urdu films in this year - Pehla pehla pyar, Madam Diyaribaz, Jism, Murder, Dulhan bani hain naseebo walian, Zakhmi Aurat, Gunahon ka Shehar, Tarrap, One Two ka One and Wapsi were flopped. Other 11 Punjabi films Athra, Lahori Shehzadey, Yaar Badmash, Kangan, Yaar Badmash, Lahori Shehzadey, Ibba (Gujjar), Mahi awey ga, Butt Badsha, Zamin ke Khuda (double version), Pappu badmasha da, Papu Gujjar and Chann Badshah were also failed on box office. 23 Pashto films were released and most of them were successful.
there you go, just put the link there is well, so you can save yourself buying glasses
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
shahrukh khan said:
Sharif Gujjar are two super hit films in 2006. Sharif Gujjar - a very vulgar film -
the problem with these films is that they are made with tiny budgets of 20-50 laks and when they gross 80 laks they become superhit, in terms of viewership they are way below the rest,
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
mr. nice i have given you the link there, but clearly you are blind and unable to read it,
please use your brain and go to the link i posted its the updated list for the year 2006, cant you see its the last part of his magazine for 2006, if you still cant see it then get help from an adult.
you need to stop acting like your some king of lollywood whos knows every about it cos your just a little child seeking attention.
Age: 125
7601 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Are you stupid or what yoyo. I have also have given a link to clarify what I am stating. I have even written it in bold so its easy for you to read unless you have weak eye sight.
I have read what it says in your link. So then tell me what does it say in the link that I have sent you which is taken from mazhar's site. Its not something which I have invented. Any how I rest my case as I have better things to do.
We all know who is being childish here and this is not the first time.
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
you are just plain dumb with a mentality of a 2 year old, i have clearer said in my above post that is an old link, get your eyes checked and look at the last edition of the film magazine which ha sthe latest report, are you dumb or what, well its definataly confirmed that you blind as you cant read.
yes you have better things to do, so go do you homework otherwise mummy will be angry. this isnt a playground for kids so stop messing around here.
tarrap was a flop so stick it down your throut you little kid.
Age: 125
7601 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Firstly I have never have ever have said that Tarap is a hit. Read that in my first post unless you need reading lessons.
There was a simple explanation to all this but unfortunately people like you do have ego problems.
The fact is that Mazhar has contridicted himself regarding the box office status of Tarap. At the end of 2006, the link which you put up he says that Tarap is a flop.
Then a few days ago he has posted the full film listings and review of 2006 films which is on the first page when you open his film magazine he has given Tarap the hit status. That is the link that I provided. This is the last piece of information that mazhar has put on his site so how can you that I look at the latest business report.
Its clear you can't read what someone else posts.
Any how I made myself clear and its simple explanation. If someone reads the two links then neither am I wrong or are you. Its just that mazhar himself has made a mistake himself.
This is something which you could have easily pointed out like any decent adult but unfortunately a kid will always remain a kid whatever. Playground or no playground. Any how I can't fall to your standards.
One thing lastly I don't like arguing with a fellow Pakistani but if it was an Indian thats something different.
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
it doesnt matter how many things mazhar has written, i told you he has given it a flop verdict, but like a silly little child you went immature, again after i posted the link to the site where he had called tarap a flop you continued acting like a little kid, irony was that the link clearly said flop and you still said i need glasses so is it me with ego problems or is it you, or do you just have a mentality problem.
i could have easily pointed it out, which i did, in my second post, but you were to busy acting like a little kid, so you dnt need to drop to my standards, you have to grow up yourself first.
i dnt like arguing with pakistanis either, but when one starts acting like a kid and starts jumping on your head for no reason, its hard to keep yourself back.
Age: 125
7601 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Even after all this you are not going admit anything.
So its really no use my justifying myself. Any how I have provided the link which is on the first page on mazhar's site. Which except for you everyone can read.
So all this is about being childish and growing up. You certaintly have a problem and that you are stubburn. Any how good luck mate and that will get you far in life.
One fact is that when ever anyone goes to mazhar's site and clicks on films and 2006 it will say TARAP a hit. Simple and that is something you can't deny. Even the fact is that Tarap is a flop.
Age: 125
7643 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
and still you continue go on and on and rant like a little child.
you calling anyone a kid is a joke itself, please have a very good look at yourself before calling anyone a kid.
again i repeat, i have provided you the link in my second, which goes direct to his site, it clearly calls tarrap a flop, but you still have the irony to say i cant read, maybe you need reading lessons yourself, mr. double standards