sangeetas new film haseenon key meley

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Published: 11/05/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)

Sana and Muammar Rana during the shooting of Pakistani film Haseeno Ke Meley at Jumeirah Beach Park.

Dancing on the beach to a Lollywood beat
By Aftab Kazmi, Bureau Chief

Al Ain: Celebrity Pakistani film actress Sana and scores of other prominent film stars from Lollywood are drawing the curious attention of beachgoers at Jumeirah in Dubai as they film a dance sequence for a new film.

Led by a seasoned female director, Sangeeta, the Lollywood unit is filming an Urdu language film Haseeno Ke Meley [Festivities of the Beauties]. "We have to complete our work here [UAE] in a month and then head to Switzerland," said a team member.

Many people at the beach were amazed and thrilled to watch the dance sequence by four top Pakistani actors: Sana, Muammar Rana, Nadia and Rambo.

The film has a popular cast and would set a new trend in Pakistani cinema, said the team member.

The Pakistani film industry is facing a crisis as a majority of the people, especially families, have stopped going to the cinema.

The main reason for the decline in audience, according to some Pakistani expatriates, is the weak production, unappealing stories and violent scenes. The director of Haseeno Ke Meley has made many blockbuster movies.

Sangeeta is one of the top senior heroines. She made her debut in actor-director Rehman's film Kankgan in 1969. She has been in the field, as an actress and a director, for more than 35 years.

Making a difference

Haseeno Ke Mailey is financed by a UAE-based Pakistani producer. "The film would make a difference on the big screen and help the Pakistani film industry recover from along spell of decline," said the film crew.

The team member said Dubai is the closest location from Pakistan and has all the ingredients necessary for filmmaking.

"It has top class beaches, advanced infrastructure, a friendly and conducive atmosphere, making it a big attraction for the industry," the member added.

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Your comments

Making a film in Dubai is the best way of introducing Pakistani culture abroad. Besides, it is good entertainment for Pakiatani film-goers. These efforts should be continued.
R. Ishfaq

Posted 12 May 2007

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