b’day greetings,.,

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Age: 125
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
i aint sure if my memory is servin me right,, but i guess supidguy's anniversary somewhere falls in the may,,since iam very bad at rememberin things,,i hope iaint too late to wish ya,,

this is the song i stupidly lorve,,my potay,,nd iam singin it ya;!

i just never understood
how a man who died for good
could not have a day that would
be set aside for his recognition
because it should never be
just because some cannot see
the dream as clear as he
that they should make it become an illusion
and we all knoe everythin'
that he stood for time will bring
fr in peace our hearts will sing
thanks to Martin Luther King

happy b'day to yeu

stevie wonder

live long
Posted 15 May 2007

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