Aaj Tumari Salgirah Hai...

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Doctor Sam

Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan

Dearest B A R I S H

J u s t   w a n t   to   W I S H   U   A v e r y   H a p p y   B i r t h d a y

"A Birthday Full of




& everything U want"

H O W   C A N   I   F O R G E T   U " Behnaaaa "
"Wanted to say Lots of words, but m unable to express How much u value to me,
How Much i miss U,many times a day.

May Allah Shower His blessings upon U Always. May He Bless u All what u want.
"Allah Aapki zindagi main aasaniyan paida karay, Aor aasaniyan bantnay ka sharf ataa farmaye .. AAMEEN"

The Purpose of Making this topic here is..
..To remember her, to pray for her.. And i know there are few people who are definitly going to do the same..

Posted 17 May 2007

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