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Age: 124
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Whispered winds where eagles soar.
my thoughts I must confide.
I drift and dream like never before,
my yesterdays floats by.

Clouds of white oh how you billow,
like dreams inside my head.
Each cloud a dream upon my pillow,
I slumber in my bed.

Shall I take the plunge and let go,
to the wind leave my fate?
Who will catch me down below,
and will my flight be sate?

Feather light among the breeze,
just release and let go.
Free fall above meadows and leas,
unknown pastures below.

Closer and closer to the ground,
who awaits there for me.
Whatever is there to be found,
will be my destiny.

Posted 18 May 2007

Posted 18 May 2007

~tasha~ says

good cuz u haven't read this one
Posted 18 May 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 18 May 2007

~tasha~ says
~CHANDNI~ said:

Posted 18 May 2007


Posted 18 May 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 20 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Rehan M Din said:


Posted 20 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Fairl_Girl said:


thanx sis
Posted 20 May 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
You'll never know I cried when I found out you lied
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart
A woman can't reveal a broken heart until
She's all alone some place I know to play the part.

Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care
To be with you my darling, is my prayer
But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart.

Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care
To be with you my darling, is my prayer
But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart.

So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart..
Posted 20 May 2007

Posted 21 May 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 21 May 2007

~tasha~ says
~CHANDNI~ said:

You'll never know I cried when I found out you lied
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart
A woman can't reveal a broken heart until
She's all alone some place I know to play the part.

Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care
To be with you my darling, is my prayer
But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart.

Tho' I'm pretending that I don't care
To be with you my darling, is my prayer
But way down deep inside I can't give up my pride
So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart.

So I'll keep writing, hiding teardrops in my heart..

nice one
Posted 22 May 2007

cutefriend says
Posted 23 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 23 May 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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