
Age: 125
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sometimes I'll laugh at your stupid jokes
Sometimes, only sometimes
Sometimes I'll pout and walk about
Sometimes, only sometimes.
Sometimes I'll face the day with shame
Sometimes the only one to blame is
No one. Sometimes, only sometimes.
And sometimes I am what I appear to be
Sometimes, only sometimes.
Sometimes I see what you can not see.
Sometimes, only sometimes.
Sometimes I'm the fool
Sometimes I'm the tool
Sometimes I believe what I can not percieve is cool
As do you.
Sometimes, only sometimes
Though my actions and thoughts may be erratic
They are but as nature intended
Inspiration, emotion, both love and devotion
My sometimes, become mended
And in the joining is formed a spirit as pure as the Gods do allow
As threads we connect and our sometimes reflect our here, our forever, our now.