
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
30 May, 2007
Says Madhuri Dixit, brushing aside her rejected nomination for a statue at Madame Tussads.
Even when she isn't performing, she's playing her chosen role to perfection! The role of a mother, silly. In case you've missed out on all the hullabaloo floating about on Bollywood's undisputed diva Madhuri Dixit and what she's been upto, here's the real dope. Explaining to younger son Ryan (aged all of two) the importance of why he is the chosen one for mosquitoes and not his older sibling Arin, four, she replies truthfully: 'Raja, the mosquito bit you because it loves you more. It bit you because you are a very sweet boy!' Could you have argued with that? Ryan sure didn't and neither did we!
Madhuri, the mum, we figure is as devoted and as patient as Mads the actress, has been on screen. Which is probably why she still makes news even after a gap of five years! And it's fashionably termed a comeback. "I had never gone away, so what comeback?" she asks. The experience of being in Bollywood "has been wonderful and I have witnessed a sea change in its functioning now. Things are streamlined and professional. By and large people have pulled up their socks and things are not as chaotic. Actors too have become very punctual. Films are finished in a given time frame and so it's easier to work now. And films are now made for a target audience. I think after the '60s, this is the golden era of the industry."
So, with the going being so good, do we expect to see her more? "No more movies this year at least. Unless and until something very special comes up, I'm going to take things easy. In the last two months, my husband and my in-laws have visited India twice each to spend time with the children." And yet, acting is an addiction: "I think so, because it gets under your skin and you can't make it go away! I was always an actor but was never a part of the paraphernalia. I enjoy being a mother, a wife and a homemaker, I pick up groceries and veggies for my home and do all the house work. But yes, back in Denver, I do miss my parents, my friends and colleagues."
Speaking of domesticity, are the kids clued in on their mum's status of a superstar? "They are too young to comprehend. They miss me tremendously when I am working. Initially, they were intimidated by the lights, the cameras and all the attention, but now they love being photographed and find it very fascinating. They strike poses, bat their eyelids at the camera and feel very important!" she laughs.
Father dearest isn't out of the f(r)ame either: "Ram has been a great sport. I was skeptical because my doing a film would have meant disturbing the whole family. I would've had to stay here for a very long time. And I was worried about whether the kids would be able to adjust to a new place or not. They are too young but Ram was the one who cajoled me into it. Had I not got his, my in-laws and my parents support, I wouldn't have been able to do this film."
And who among the contemporary actresses comes closest to her where acting, dancing and looks are concerned? "Don't compare them with me because every everyone has their own individual qualities. But yes, Rani is an excellent actress. I love the way she attacks a role. She is a complete actress and can carry off any role. Rani puts her heart and soul into her work, so much so that she doesn't look disinterested in a single frame."
But not everyone is as besotted with Mads the world over as here. Which is a probably why despite a nomination for her replica at Madame Tussauds, she didn't make it to the pedestal. "I guess the selection committee didn't find me good enough and I'm least concerned about it. Actually, I don't give a damn," she laughs. Once more, we believe she is telling the truth. And we're not arguing either.

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