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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Alone to cry
Alone to laugh
Alone to smile
Alone to frown
Alone to live
Alone to die
Alone to wander
Alone to discover
Alone to learn
Alone to live
Alone in pain
Alone in hurt
Alone in joy
Alone in the morning
Alone in the night
Alone in the afternoon
Alone in this life
Alone in this world
Alone in boredom
Alone in knowledge
Alone in this state
Alone with people
Alone at work
Alone right now
Alone when I was born
And alone when I will die
Alone walking through life
Without any pride
How can you be satisfied
Living your life like you do
When you know there is some one out there
Who could really use a friend like you
No one will know how I live
No one will know who I am
No one will ever get to know me
Because I am destined to spend my life alone
I am always alone.
It’s no fun to be alone
To do everything on your own
To live with no recognition
To share my pride with no one
Wanting to have someone
To live my life with
But for now
I will continue alone
And all alone
Posted 07 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Alone with nothing to say...
Alone with no one to stay...
Alone when this world seemed so gray...
Alone I was silent to her dismay...
Alone I lost touch and drifted away...
Alone I could not stop him from going, he was already halfway...
Alone each moment I used to pray...
Alone I fought all the way...
Alone I walked that path and I could not stray...
Alone I embraced sorrow without no delay...
Alone I walked as the soul surviver of my doomsday...

Posted 07 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Solemly and Quietly
Loneliness creeps
Patiently waiting
For the right moment


It slithers into your bed
Wraping itself around you
Making nights alone
More and more miserable


It creeps on
From night to day
Making waking up alone
Almost unbearable


Loneliness follows you
Like a shadow through out the day
Like a constant reminder
Of you r flaw and insecurities


Creeping into your soul
Consuming your thoughts
Ceaselessly eating away at your mind
Constantly there


Slithering into your dreams
Bringing never ending sorrow
Raping your mind
All alone you cry are alone

Posted 07 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
you alone
you alone is the never ending battle,
you alone made these consequences,
now we separated and I feel negated,
With you alone I find that you can end my agony,
you alone is the saviour of my hurting soul,
you alone will end these afflictions,
you alone will make me the King of my fate,
Everyday is a new sign and a new time,
you alone will make end all my grievance,
you alone was the secret of my hurting soul.

Posted 07 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
When I walk alone, I think of you my love
When I walk alone, I walk with broken heart
When I walk alone, I walk with sadness
When I walk alone, I walk with my silent tears
When I walk alone, I walk with my sorrow
When I walk alone, I walk with my sad memories
When I walk alone, I walk with my shattered dream
When I walk alone, I walk with my hands lifeless
Love never walk alone but you made me walk alone
You promised me that you will walk with me forever
but you made me walk alone with my tears forever
When the heaven stolen you from me yesterday
All your promises are gone with the wind
Today, You made me walk alone with out you my love
and I promise you, I will walk alone till my journey ends
Posted 07 Jun 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 08 Jun 2007

Miss mine says
A friend is someone who understands and
someone you can trust.

They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss.
A friend will stand by your side when you are right
and sometimes when you are wrong.

They will hold you up when you are weak
and provide support to make you strong.
A friend's love is unconditional and unique in every way.

And when you have problems a true friend will kneel with you and pray.
A friend will stand by your side through thick and thin.

And whenever everyone have deserted you they still will be your friend.
A friend once said to me that a friend is sent from God above
and I believe this to be true.

Because God has sent a friend to me and that friend to me is YOU.
Posted 08 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Fairl_Girl said:

Posted 08 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Miss mine said:

A friend is someone who understands and
someone you can trust.

They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss.
A friend will stand by your side when you are right
and sometimes when you are wrong.

They will hold you up when you are weak
and provide support to make you strong.
A friend's love is unconditional and unique in every way.

And when you have problems a true friend will kneel with you and pray.
A friend will stand by your side through thick and thin.

And whenever everyone have deserted you they still will be your friend.
A friend once said to me that a friend is sent from God above
and I believe this to be true.

Because God has sent a friend to me and that friend to me is YOU.

so sweet
Posted 08 Jun 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 08 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
good they hv touched ur feelings
Posted 09 Jun 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
gr8 work
Posted 09 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
thx zk
Posted 09 Jun 2007

Posted 11 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
thx raihan
Posted 11 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
I stand alone,
No-one guides me,
I walk up to your door.
I wait alone,
No-one revives me,
I collapse upon your floor.
I need not to survive.
Leave me be,
I stand alone,
It is this you have contrived.

Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Day's come. Still days go. No one
knows the sorrow and the sadness
that my heart holds. I'm alone in my
own tears. As I walk through this
life, time and time again a I see
the true way God intended things
to be. Unity, love, peace and
understanding. Oh, wouldn't life be
so sweet. If no one ever got
deceive or beat. Oh to sit and think.
All the killing and surrendering.
That is why, I sit alone to
think. Then I can't hold back
I'm alone in my own tears

Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
There is a certain peace of mind
To know this place; to have this time
To be alone within myself Alone inside, alone...
so free: Here, is where I'd rather be.
My imagination builds a scene
Of which I usually heartily agree
Now my canvas is quite full with
Things of late and of things to view.
But, and yet, I open my eyes;
My screen has somehow been disguised.
Sometimes I wonder: I'm just not sure:
If nurturing this time could be,
Anything but a dream. I close my eyes;
once back again. I secret heaven.
Oh, to be, so free.
Posted 15 Jun 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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