Beautiful Deserted Island

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My beautiful deserted island
Where I dream to be someday
With the man of my dreams
We will eat and sleep away

Build a lean too on the beach
Climb coconut trees for food
And he would catch fresh fish
We’d eat when in the mood

No telephones, no radio
No television in sight
The only thing to watch
Would be stars out at night

How glorious to swim
In the clear blue sea
Cool and refreshing
The sun beating down on me

Life would be so simple
No one to bother us
We’d spend two weeks together
Without a single fuss

And when it all was over
We’d remember all our days
We vacationed for a while
On a deserted beach, hooray!

Posted 10 Jun 2007

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