the f-word..

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Age: 125
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
it sure is offensive,,nd it doesnt have one meaning,,but i wonder most of the ppl here in most dogmatic manner snatch only one,,so i suggest em to go through some gud thesaurus,,so they might not feel any difficulty in moderating 'his thing.,,
its terrible when u get warnings for using bad,,
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Mujrim says
yea bt y say the "f-word"
say it complete if its nuthin bad buddy

Posted 24 Jun 2007

sweetie says
ye gaali hae and gaali dena gunah hai
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Mujrim says
uska kehna hai keh f se aur bhi buhut words aate hai so tht f doesnt mean tht specific gali only
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Ashii says
i understand frankys point,, he s right i guess

but ur F word is exactly like ppl using urdu/punjabi M or B words
they dont really mean it

shd they get warned for that or not
Posted 24 Jun 2007

dont use in islam section
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Ashii says
kyunnnn jiii
Islam section mei Allah miyan kan laga k bethe hein kya
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Posted 24 Jun 2007

F- word is, surely, an offensive word, but human nature, aaah .. can't get rid of bad habbits na!..

Posted 24 Jun 2007

Ashii said:

kyunnnn jiii
Islam section mei Allah miyan kan laga k bethe hein kya

no comments
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Ashii says
keh do keh do
darte kyun ho
Posted 24 Jun 2007

Mujrim said:

yea bt y say the "f-word"
say it complete if its nuthin bad buddy

yeah to me its no bad word,,n i said fword bcoz i wanted to be somewhat genial,,ive been banned quite a few times so i was just tryin to convince ppl tht the goddam fword doest have one meanin,,but all seems useless.:p
Posted 25 Jun 2007

sweetie said:

ye gaali hae and gaali dena gunah hai

nhi,,yeh gali nhi hai,,even if u take it in the wrong sense its just the name of the natural process..
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Mujrim said:

uska kehna hai keh f se aur bhi buhut words aate hai so tht f doesnt mean tht specific gali only

thanks for explainin it to her,,but tht aint my point,
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Ashii said:

i understand frankys point,, he s right i guess

but ur F word is exactly like ppl using urdu/punjabi M or B words
they dont really mean it

shd they get warned for that or not

hell no..yer gettin the wrong the end,,b and m words are typical abuses ,,and the fword is not always an abuse,,so all iam sayin is tht ppl really need to enhance their vocabulary to get the better understandin of the f-word,lol
Posted 25 Jun 2007

shahrukh khan said:

dont use in islam section

tu peenay de mujhe masjid mai beth kar saki
ya koi aisi jaga bta day jahan khuda na ho..

Posted 25 Jun 2007

London_Girl said:

F- word is, surely, an offensive word, but human nature, aaah .. can't get rid of bad habbits na!..

dude,,u gotta really open up yer windows,,using F-word aint really a bad habbit,,atleast when yer not usin it in the bad manner,,:p,n thts the one reason i like orkut the most,,ppl there are not so conservative,,
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Frankenstein said:

London_Girl said:

F- word is, surely, an offensive word, but human nature, aaah .. can't get rid of bad habbits na!..

dude,,u gotta really open up yer windows,,using F-word aint really a bad habbit,,atleast when yer not usin it in the bad manner,,:p,n thts the one reason i like orkut the most,,ppl there are not so conservative,,

nope.. am not so conservative either, buddy!
but i was jus' sending message to those who do actually use this word in a bad menner!.. not pointing out a particular u know
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Ashii says
natural process hehe
can u or me can talk abt this natural process to our parents, siblings, kids ??
i guess we cant
u wotn say F to a person u respect a lot (parents) even as a joke
so it simply is a bad word,, used with good or bad intenstions

y do u think b or m words are typical abuse ????
ask those who use them frequently,,

i sometimes feel that we pakis follow western way of life more than westerns do
i know a lot of french/english "GORA" families who wont let their kids using such language

ur english is infact vv vvv good, try to learn english manners as well
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Mujrim says
Frankenstein said:

Mujrim said:

yea bt y say the "f-word"
say it complete if its nuthin bad buddy

yeah to me its no bad word,,n i said fword bcoz i wanted to be somewhat genial,,ive been banned quite a few times so i was just tryin to convince ppl tht the goddam fword doest have one meanin,,but all seems useless.:p

no use yaar frgt the past n live wth the present dnt use it evry person has a diff mentallity buddy
Posted 25 Jun 2007

Ashii said:

natural process hehe
can u or me can talk abt this natural process to our parents, siblings, kids ??
i guess we cant
u wotn say F to a person u respect a lot (parents) even as a joke
so it simply is a bad word,, used with good or bad intenstions

y do u think b or m words are typical abuse ????
ask those who use them frequently,,

i sometimes feel that we pakis follow western way of life more than westerns do
i know a lot of french/english "GORA" families who wont let their kids using such language

ur english is infact vv vvv good, try to learn english manners as well

yeah thts why i say we are orthodox,,i think parents should talk to their young ones abt everythin,,n well

i talk to my sibling
abt tht,,we share knowledge,,let it go,,itd be more like boys thingy,,

i agree,,i would never say fwrod to my parents,,but i can afford to utter such words in ppl i really dont knoe,,lol.or even frndz
can fathom such talks,,so why to make a big deal outta this,.

b and m words are bad bcoz they are bad,,,anybody who knows the lingo can tell u its something bad by just figuring out the
meanings,,on the hand my client the fword doesnt have such qualities,,

let goras train thier kids the way they want,,iam in no position to suggest em somethin,,

my english suchks bad,,see i cant even spells sucks correctly,,,i never learn,,whether it be manners or anythin,,i like it
can u do me a favour just see a dictionary book containing meaning of words and other information; also referred to as
dictionary as see the meanin of the f word,,n ill ask u morrow ,,right
Posted 26 Jun 2007

London_Girl said:

Frankenstein said:

London_Girl said:

F- word is, surely, an offensive word, but human nature, aaah .. can't get rid of bad habbits na!..

dude,,u gotta really open up yer windows,,using F-word aint really a bad habbit,,atleast when yer not usin it in the bad manner,,:p,n thts the one reason i like orkut the most,,ppl there are not so conservative,,

nope.. am not so conservative either, buddy!
but i was jus' sending message to those who do actually use this word in a bad menner!.. not pointing out a particular u know

yeah,,right,,so we have an understandin tht using the f word as an intensifier aint a bad thing..??
Posted 26 Jun 2007

Frankenstein said:

London_Girl said:

Frankenstein said:

London_Girl said:

F- word is, surely, an offensive word, but human nature, aaah .. can't get rid of bad habbits na!..

dude,,u gotta really open up yer windows,,using F-word aint really a bad habbit,,atleast when yer not usin it in the bad manner,,:p,n thts the one reason i like orkut the most,,ppl there are not so conservative,,

nope.. am not so conservative either, buddy!
but i was jus' sending message to those who do actually use this word in a bad menner!.. not pointing out a particular u know

yeah,,right,,so we have an understandin tht using the f word as an intensifier aint a bad thing..??

did i say that?
Posted 26 Jun 2007

Ashii says
just for ur satisfaction i checked again in french/english dictonary
result is still the same

khair,, i cant stop u from using this word
as its ur life,, ur opinions
and i have right to agree or not,,
Posted 26 Jun 2007

hey ashii be in ur limits u can say anything abt allah bcoz he is the one who can make a man beggar and a king ok so next time be careful
this time queenvictoria can be on my side girll
Posted 26 Jun 2007

Ashii said:

kyunnnn jiii
Islam section mei Allah miyan kan laga k bethe hein kya

this is what i am angry on
Posted 26 Jun 2007

new_beau says
Easy venomius child....Let them come out with the views..Atleast untill now they are doing good...

I hope in the future as well
Posted 26 Jun 2007

no i mean this is so embaracing and wicked toooooo
Posted 26 Jun 2007

new_beau says
Yes it is a bit wicked...But Not Embaracing....

Wait n watch
Posted 26 Jun 2007

ya i m not angry and i m f9 ya but this is not the way
you talk you should exprees your in a manner that no 1 gets hurt
Posted 26 Jun 2007

Mujrim says
so summaraize n tell me whts happenin nw
Posted 27 Jun 2007

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