English Only Vs English Plus

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
English Only Vs English Plus
There is an increase of those children in state schools who do not come from English speaking back ground. One in seven children at primary school in England and one in ten at secondary school speak a language other than English at home. A research team from Goldsmiths concludes that using two or more languages deepens an understanding of mathematical concepts and results in a better overall performance in school. Bilingual children are able to access key concepts through both languages, giving them an advantage over monolinguals. Children who speak at least two languages actually strengthen their identities as learners and boost their cognitive development. Researchers say this finding is of particular importance for second and third generation immigrant children. It is important to “embed” mother tongues into daily activities through games, songs and incidental use, such as answering the register and giving praise and simple instructions, familiar stories can be told or acted out in their languages.

In the 60s and 70s, the British education system has destroyed the home languages and the new research proved that the policy was wrong and the British education system is guilty of crime against humanity. It is very important that immigrant parents keep talking to their children in their home tongues as this will give children a valuable tool to access lessons, deepen understanding of key ideas, and enhance overall school performance. Children who led bilingual lives could access their lessons through both languages. The children in the project expressed a strong desire to use their community languages in school. Teachers were able to tap into their pupils’ full range of cultural knowledge.

Children who attended mother tongues classes did better in their National Curriculum tests. Research suggests that bilingual pupils do better than those with just one language. The researcher warns that many second and third generation children are in danger of losing their bilingual skills if they do not have the chance to develop their mother tongue through their school work. Multilingual children may be allowed to use their mother tongue in mainstream classes. Rather than thinking in terms of an “English only” culture we should be promoting “English plus”.

Among all the migrant children, Muslim children suffer more than others. Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. They need to be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. They need to be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry.
Iftikhar Ahmad

Posted 01 Jul 2007

well there are a quite of few schools in London for muslims who wants this kinda fecilities.. with Islamic cultured study too!

London is the only place in world which is MULTI-CULTURED
Posted 01 Jul 2007

Asian says
cardiff is setting up a muslim school
Posted 03 Jul 2007

Iftikhar says

Muslim Children have been suffering academically, linguistically, socially, emotionally and spiritually for the last 50 odd years because they have been in a wrong place at a wrong time. The state schools are exam factories producing children with A to C Grades. They do not educate children, as a result, institutional racism, drug, crime, incivility, ant-social behaviour, binge drinking, high rate of abortions and teen age pregnancies are common part of life in state schools. Muslim parents do not want their children to be integrated into such barbarity.

Majority of Muslim children leave schools with low grades because state schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach Standard English to bilingual children.

Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. They need to be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. They need to be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry.

A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/She does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brits.
Posted 04 Jul 2007

X-balli says
London_Girl said:

well there are a quite of few schools in London for muslims who wants this kinda fecilities.. with Islamic cultured study too!

London is the only place in world which is MULTI-CULTURED

Posted 04 Jul 2007

Asian says
Iffy i agree with you on some prospects but not on others,

my first language is Urdu, then Punjabi then welsh


i agree schools only teach one prespective on life but then if you look at the economic estblishments, they are only gona teach what is needed to make the next workforce. i was lucky in the sense that my mommy and daddy could teach me islamic history, everying from Saladin to the appilication of maths from an islamic prespective

for example the romans got maths wrong, they dident have a Symbol for Zero. the Arabs did

stuff like that i only learnt off my perents

and in a sense because i was expected to do so bad as a multi lingual brown kid, i excelled,

in a class of 24 students i got the Highest in Law, i was up aganist white middle class students with no soical difficulties

i think we should not only look at the state but also our own perenting
Posted 04 Jul 2007

Posted 04 Jul 2007

good to be conntected to your roots
Posted 04 Jul 2007

Asian says
Posted 05 Jul 2007

X-balli says
imran_qazmi said:

good to be conntected to your roots

Posted 05 Jul 2007

X-balli says
London_Girl said:


angootha na dikha chal chai bana
Posted 05 Jul 2007

Asian says
Posted 07 Jul 2007

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:


angootha na dikha chal chai bana

chai or app kelie!.. or kitne spoon SALT k daalon?
Posted 07 Jul 2007

nikama says
tum zeher bhi dalo gi to vo pee le ga
try kerna must he
Posted 07 Jul 2007

nikama said:

tum zeher bhi dalo gi to vo pee le ga
try kerna must he

LOL!!.. naah.. am not this bad
Posted 08 Jul 2007

nikama says
oh... so sad
Posted 08 Jul 2007

LOL.. yea.. not good to be good!.. but to be a bad
Posted 08 Jul 2007

nikama says
bechara iftikhar
us ko chahiay tha yeh topic serious corner min banata
Posted 09 Jul 2007

X-balli says
London_Girl said:

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:


angootha na dikha chal chai bana

chai or app kelie!.. or kitne spoon SALT k daalon?

duffer chai main SALT kab dalta hay
Posted 09 Jul 2007

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:


angootha na dikha chal chai bana

chai or app kelie!.. or kitne spoon SALT k daalon?

duffer chai main SALT kab dalta hay

LOL!1.. salt dalta nahi.. app kelie soch rahi hon daal doon.. taste different bhi hona chaiye na.. some time ;)
Posted 09 Jul 2007

nikama said:

bechara iftikhar
us ko chahiay tha yeh topic serious corner min banata

LOL!!.. nothing can stay serious for too long i guess
Posted 09 Jul 2007

nikama says
true,but here it does'nt stay serious even for a day
Posted 09 Jul 2007

ahan!.. LOL!!.. wonder why people loves this perticular section! FOS
Posted 09 Jul 2007

nikama says
i love it simply because i love bak bak
Posted 09 Jul 2007

i've hardly seen you here!..why'z dat so?
Posted 09 Jul 2007

X-balli says
London_Girl said:

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:

X-balli said:

London_Girl said:


angootha na dikha chal chai bana

chai or app kelie!.. or kitne spoon SALT k daalon?

duffer chai main SALT kab dalta hay

LOL!1.. salt dalta nahi.. app kelie soch rahi hon daal doon.. taste different bhi hona chaiye na.. some time ;)

nahee baba mujh per itna meherban na he hoon aap
Posted 10 Jul 2007

X-balli says
London_Girl said:

i've hardly seen you here!..why'z dat so?

and the one's u see, u hardly notice them...
Posted 10 Jul 2007

valandrian says
Posted 18 Apr 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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