if u are a friend

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Age: 37
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0

United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends or are we not
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say, I am here for you.
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven
And wait for you.
hope that you all like it..!!
Posted 16 Jul 2007

hmmmmmmmmmmmm nice one but i preffer tht you dont die before he dies so u can see where is he goin than decide friendz better or you
Posted 16 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends or are we not
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say, I am here for you.
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven
And wait for you.
hope that you all like it..!!

good work
Posted 16 Jul 2007

kewl one
Posted 16 Jul 2007

kiran says
very nice
Posted 16 Jul 2007

eshajam says
thank you all
Posted 16 Jul 2007

eshajam says

____0000000000______ 0000000000_____
__000________000__00 0________000___
_000___________0000_ __________000__
000_____________00__ ___________000_
000_________________ ___________000_
000___________THANKS ___________000_
_000____________FOR_ __________000__
__000__________BEING _________000___
___000__________MY__ _______000_____
_____000______FRIEND ______000______
_______000______U______ _000_______
___________000_____0 00_____________
______________00__00 _______________
________________00__ _______________
Posted 16 Jul 2007

kiran says
you are always welcome dear
Posted 16 Jul 2007

Posted 16 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Thanks Dear Queen   
Posted 18 Jul 2007

eshajam says
A Friend gives hope
when life is low,
a friend is a place
when you have
nowwhere to go,
a friend is honest,
a friend is precious
a friend is true
and that
my dear friend is
Posted 18 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
good going jameel, keep it up
Posted 18 Jul 2007

eshajam says
hm,,i 'am nothing compare to you Guys
you are all so good ,great,exellent...but

thanks dear: i really appreciate it
Posted 18 Jul 2007

eshajam says
thanks a millon.....king
Posted 19 Jul 2007

Fairl_Girl says
good 1
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says

I live through my dark existence
only to bask in your beauty
your eyes that shine like sapphires
your smile that brightens even my sad existence
I envy the wind that runs through your hair
that touches your lips
I long to touch you
to hold you in my arms but I cannot
for your heart belongs to another
so, I can only love you from afar
your friendship means more to me
than anything this world provides
but like an angel you touched my heart
in a way that I've never felt before
cause I've never known what love is until this day
I know that we are only friends
but my heart wishes it to be more
so I will still hope and dream
that one day I can feel your lips pressed to mine
to hold you in my arms and say,

                'I Love You
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Fairl_Girl said:

good 1

thank a lot...sweet firl girl...!!
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Good Night And Sweet Dreams my Sweet Friends

InshaALLAH Kal MulaQat Hogi..!!
Posted 19 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
keep it up jameel
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says
        for my dear sweet friends in jb

As you walked up those stairs
I suddenly knew I couldn't live without ever seeing you,
The smiles you give, the laughter you create,
Has such a big meaning words can not say.
You all are my friends,
My real true mates.
The ones that are there no matter what day.
How do I know because you're all still here,
You’re the kind of friends that have no fear.
You're all my true friends,the ones I look up to.
Please don't ever think that don't really care.
the truth is that I don't understand,
See you're all so perfect that I really can’t believe you all my Friends and my perfect peers.
I love all so much
You'll never believe,
Please don't ever change or ever forget me.
Posted 19 Jul 2007

eshajam says
My Best Friend
Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
She knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
She listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.

Not once did she interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
She understood what I was going through,
And promised she'd stay long

I reached out to this friend
To show her that i care
To pull her close and let her know
How much I need her there

I went to hold her hand
To pull her a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found

Was nothing but my mirror.
Posted 21 Jul 2007

Posted 21 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 21 Jul 2007

eshajam says
Thanks a millon dear..
but you are the best
Posted 21 Jul 2007

eshajam says
London_Girl said:

thank you sooo much...dear
Posted 21 Jul 2007

^dewaja^ says
nice work
Posted 21 Jul 2007

eshajam says
^dewaja^ said:

nice work

thank you sooooooooooooooooo much haaa
Posted 21 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

Thanks a millon dear..
but you are the best

most welcome
Posted 21 Jul 2007

eshajam says
If you ever need me
I'll be right here
To chase away the sadness
wipe away a tear

If you ever need me
Ill be one step behind
To follow in your footsteps
hear whats on your mind

If you ever need me
you'll never have to fear
that your presence isn't important
your love isn't dear

If you ever need me
Ill always be around
To bring back the laughter
Where deep in your heart its found

You'll never have to worry
For ill always be here
To chase away the sadness
wipe away your tear
this friend will always be there
Posted 24 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 24 Jul 2007

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