Images Of Mother

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
4 Years Of Age ~ My Mommy Can Do Anything!

8 Years Of Age ~ My Mom Knows A Lot! A Whole Lot!

12 Years Of Age ~ My Mom Doesn't Understand Me.

15 Years Of Age ~ My Mom Doesn't Let Me Do Anything.

18 Years Of Age ~ I'm An Adult. My Mom Can't Control Me Anymore.

25 Years Of Age ~ I Should Have Listened To Mom.

35 Years Of Age ~ Before We Decide, Let's Get Mom's Opinion.

50 Years Of Age ~ I Wonder What Mom Would Have Thought About It.

65 Years Of Age ~ I Wish I Could Talk It Over With Mom.

Appreciate Your Mom Before It Is Too Late!

Posted 24 Jul 2007

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