Age: 125
6686 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Think about getting rich: friendships are priceless, time is invaluable, health is wealth, and love is a treasure.
Create a nest egg of beautiful memories that you can dip into from time to time to ease any sorrows.
Have the kind of remembrances that raise you up with their worth and keep you there with their wonder.
Always have a secret supply of hopes on hand to help you plan your tomorrows. Remember that when you invest in your dreams it is impossible to overpay.
Give away smiles, and watch them come back to you a hundred times over.
Stuff your pockets with kindness and optimism; there is nothing more precious in the world.
I'm sharing this advice with you today because you are an important piece in the puzzle of my life.
Age: 125
6686 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
There is no choice Because there is no Answer There is no Answer Because there is no Question There is no question Because there is no Trust There is no trust Because the is no Courage There is no courage Because there is no Back bone There is no back bone Because there is no Love There is no love Because there is no Honesty There is no honesty Because there is no Love There is no love Because there is no Back bone There is no back bone Because there is no Courage There is no courage Because there is no Trust There is no trust Because there is no Question There is no question Because there is no Answer There is no answer Because there is no Choice
Age: 125
6686 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
More then just Life We owe them Happiness We owe them Our own happiness For our pain is Their heritage We owe them Courage We owe them Our own courage For our failure is Their curse We owe them Laughter We owe them Our own laughter For our desperation Is their burden It breaks their backs It weights them down It makes them drown in The silent undercurrents of Our own unshed tears
Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Where do I get the courage? Where do I get the courage to go on living again? Where do I get the courage to come out of my shell? Where do I get the courage to pray again? Where do I get the courage to smile again? Where do I get the courage to sing again? Where do I get the courage to laugh again? Where do I get the courage to go out again? Where do I get the courage to relax again? Where do I get the courage to breath again? Where do I get the courage to love again? Where do I get the courage to be free again? Where do I get the courage to cook again on the stove? Where do I get the courage to look at the blue sky again? Where do I get the courage to write again? Where do I get the courage to wipe out my bad memories? Where do I get the courage to put the past behind? Where do I get the courage to watch the birds fly in the blue sky? Where do I get the courage to make some new friends? Where do I get the courage to watch the flowers grow in the garden? Where do I get the courage to write a letter to you? Where do I get the courage to save money again? Where do I get the courage to read books again?
Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Courage is doing what is right Without having to be told Courage is manning up When you know you've done something wrong Courage is looking the enemy in the eye And telling them to just bring it Courage is having fear But still staying strong Courage is facing adversity But being able to overcome it Courage is leaving your family behind To defend the country you love Courage is being a soldier In the greatest army in the world Thank you for this courage That lets us live free..
Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
The strength to rise from the pain, to continue at all cost, The strength to prolong all the shame, Knowing that you've lost, The strength to smile, when all you feel is anger, to substitute bad days, for the best ones you can remember, The strength to say 'I'm lost' when your pride has blocked your sight, to say 'please love me', though I've never done it right, The strength to say you love them, knowing there may be no reply, to stay by their sides at times, when all they do is cry, the strength to try again after many times of failing, to finally open up after many years of waiting, The strength to fall in love, though sacrificing your heart, to keep a loved one close while knowing you've grown apart, The strength to say ' I love you' when all else has gone wrong, to keep on waiting for you..... regardless of how long,
Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
A demon holds my heart Gripping tightly, suffocating me Then I beg Upon my knees For you to come & set me free The love you give to me It's enough to loosed it's grip Still, it holds me tightly Pulling me farther into the depths of Hell A fallen, broken angel I am My wings blackened, Ripped away I am ashamed of what I have become So lost & afraid I know I don't deserve you But please, Don't cast me out Don't shun me Like so many others Love me still Despite my worthlessness For you are my strength & You are my weakness