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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
* Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne

* Crickets hear through their knees

* China is the world's oldest known continuous civilization

* A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood

* 75-90% of primary physician visits are due to stress

* A full moon always rises at sunset

* A fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks

* 1 in 5 of the world's doctors is Russian

* A Woman's heart beats faster than a man's

* Annual growth of WWW traffic is 314,000%

* The old English word of " Sneeze" is "Fneosan"

* The size of your foot is approximately the size of your forearm

* The sun is 330,330 times larger than earth

* The only planet without a ring is earth

* The Snail mates only once in its entire life

* The only bone not broken so far during any ski accident is one located in the
inner ear.

* The number of cars on the planet is increasing three times faster than the
population growth

* Shrimps hearts are in their heads

* Over $ 7 billion a year is spent on chocolates by consumers

* Once car out of every 230 made was stolen last year

* In just one drop of liquid, 50 million bacteria can be present

* Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better

* Nachos is the food most craved by mothers-to-be

* Pearls melt in Vinegar

* Roughly 44% of junk mail is thrown away unopened

* The Moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the earth
every year

* The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma

* The most populated city in the world is Shangai in China

* The word "byte" is a contraction of 'by eight"

* You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world

* When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour

* Tourist visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is
considered an insult

* There are 293 different ways to make change for a dollar

* Your left lung in smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart

* When a coffee seed is planted, it takes five years to yield its first
consumable fruit

* The Atlantic ocean is saltier than Pacific ocean

* One billion seconds is about 32 years

* India is the worlds largest consumer of gold

* More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones

* Indoor pollution is 10 times more toxic than outdoor pollution

* One ounce of chocolate has about 20mg of caffeine in it

* It takes approximately 13 years for Jupiter to orbit the Sun

* Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite

* Non-dairy creamer is flammable

* First novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom sawyer

* Dog can hear sounds that you can't

* Eating about twenty tart cherries a day could reduce inflammatory pain and
headache pain

* Every 25 miles a car produces one pound of population

* It has been medically proven that laughter is an effective pain killer

* Every two thousand frowns creates one wrinkle

* Methane gas can often be seen bubbling up from the bottom of ponds

* More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a
telephone call

* ¼ of your body bones is in your feet

* A moth has no stomach

* A hummingbird weighs less than a penny

* A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel

* Every person has a unique tongue print, hand print, eye print and smell

* Every three seconds a baby is born somewhere in the world

* Approximately eleven minutes are cut off the lie of an average male smoker
from each cigarette smoked

* At 40 degree centigrade a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by

* Automobile building is the largest manufacturing industry in the world

* A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in a her life time

* A human embryo is smaller than a grain of rice at four weeks old

* Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cant find any food

* The DNA of humans is closer to a rat then a cat

* Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion

* Starfishes have no brains

* Smiling releases endorphins in the body, which makes people feel better

* Scientists have determined that having guilty feelings may actually damage
your immune system

* Rabbits have 60 babies a year

* Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie

* 66% of home based business are owned by women

* 160 cars can drive side by side on the monumental Axis in Brazil, the widest

* According to research, the most productive workday is Tuesday and the least
productive day is Friday

* A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours

* People with allergies can lower allergy reactions by laughing

* Goat's milk is used more widely throughout the world than cow's milk

* A lighting bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than these found at
the sun's surface

* Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters

* The first hard drive available for the Apple 2 had a capacity of 5 megabytes

* People who smoke have 10 times as many wrinkles as a person that does not

* Children who are breast fed tend to have an IQ seven points higher than
children who are not

* Owls are one of the only birds who can see the color blue

* Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete

* 14% of all facts and statistics are made up and 27% of people know that fact

* Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15
times a day

* Caffeine is the world's most popular stimulant

* People have the tendency to chew the food on the side that they most often use
their hand

* Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, was afraid of dark

* One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of
fresh water

* An average person loses about 200 head hairs per day

* Lack of sleep can affect your immune system and reduce your ability to fight

* The Eiffel Tower in Paris weighs over 1000 elephants

* Hummingbirds are the only animals able to fly backwards

* Black pepper is the most popular spice in the world

* You blink over 10,000,000 times a year

* The average person will spend 2 weeks of their lifetime wasting for a traffic
light to change

* It takes eight and a half minutes for light to get from the sun to earth

* Being unmarried can shorten a man's life by ten years

* All babies are color blind when they are born

* Sharks never get sick, they are immune to all known diseases

* An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

* In a year, an average person makes 1,140 phone calls

* A chicken goes from birth to dinner table in only 35 days

* Microbes generate at least half the oxygen we breathe

* It is est
Posted 26 Jul 2007

^dewaja^ says
nice topic tasha
Posted 03 Aug 2007

valandrian says
Posted 18 Apr 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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