Him... for me alwaz

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 5253
Points: 0

United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
This poem is about my feelings toward my best friend. To me he is truly beautiful, although the word beautiful is not commonly applied to a man. The emotions which rage within him, his past which struggles to beat him, show me a strength which I have never seen in anyone else. He gives me the truth that I need in this crazy world. Although he is now not truly in my life, due to many mistakes on both our parts, the memory of him will always remind me to be who I am. And in my heart, he will always be just a little bit more than my best friend. and i will luv him for all times...

He is beautiful, so very beautiful
Just like a winter's shining landscape,
As delicate as the petals of a daisy,
And as freely as the eagle soaring against the blue

His eyes are as mysterious as the calm sea
Everything about him is so very precious,
More precious than all the gems in the world
His soul is the essence of the sky and earth,
His feelings are a volcano that is yet to explode
His smile is the smile of lost innocence.

Pain vibrates deep inside of his gentle heart.
A lock shuts in the disturbed thoughts of his mind,
A mind with as many roads as the world has.
I look at him and I see a pure truth,
Like looking at a clear night sky,
Millions of stars twinkle within him.

He is beauty as I defined it,
He is perfect, his imperfections make him so.
He is my best friend, and I love him,
I love him although, not because.

And I would give up all the things which I think are pretty
If only I can hold his beauty within me,
For he is everything in this world,
And I have found a world in him.

Posted 16 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
great...very nice poem
Posted 16 Sep 2003

PumpKin says

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I know how it feel shary [bandit]
Posted 17 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
Posted 17 Sep 2003

madmax says
to be continued.......
Posted 17 Sep 2003

sharara says
i wonder... does anyone know how it feels?

it hurts.. it stops my breath.. i makes me feel im dying inside.. it makes me suffocate.

know.. i died luving u
Posted 17 Sep 2003

Night says
So, where is the person who responsible for that?? passed away??

its always like that....with best friend.
Posted 19 Sep 2003

WAS says
awwwwww shary, i dont know what to say, u feel so strongly for me [:P]
ill bear it in mind next time!
Posted 21 Sep 2003

sharara says

where were u? missed u soooo much

and night.. not yet.. he is u ;)


missed u guys.. nice to see u in aCTION...
now hang around...
Posted 21 Sep 2003

sharara says
Posted 21 Sep 2003

yeah....nice poem...
believe me I know how it feel....
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Ashii says
so painful but it dont let u die..
hmmmm.. kya na yarrrrrrrr
nice sharyyy :)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. but if u come to know that he s jsut a.. grrrrr.. u still cant help it... i hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttte myselfffffffffffff
Posted 23 Sep 2003

sharara says
i wish feelings wernt so hurting...
Posted 24 Sep 2003

Night says
ME?? I didn’t know that I’m beautiful, LOL. Thank you…..thank you…… you are the best, lol.

Sall....things dont always like what we thought

WAS, ……dream on…….!!!
Posted 24 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
awesome poem....obvious and cryptic....nice effort shary....wish u luck with ur love life.
Posted 24 Sep 2003

faysal says
so long...............
Posted 24 Sep 2003

flawless says
awww, so touchy
i know how it feels shary, i guess nobody understands ur feelings towards him, and they dont seem to appreciate him as much as u do!
everybody thinks ur over reacting about him, but they have no idea wats goin on inside of u!
believe me, i know how it feels, cuz i still feel the same way!
best of luck 4 u to get through this without breaking down!
Posted 24 Sep 2003

well...it seem most people have same problem.
Posted 25 Sep 2003

sharara says
LOL... seems we all r capable of the simply complex emotion called luv. and i wish me luck in my luv life tooooo.....
Posted 26 Sep 2003

Love..... so weird.

Posted 27 Sep 2003

sharara says
i know.... but so amazing too
Posted 27 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
it's amazing that we can amaze people... :-p
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Nice poem....I wish I can make that kind of poem too
Posted 29 Sep 2003

for me?????
Posted 29 Sep 2003

yeah.... for you
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Posted 01 Oct 2003

WAS says
Hey me iz bak shary, jus been a bit busy thats all
i was gonna ask, how u been but ive kinda figured that out myself...........!
I'l see u around and haan plz can u giv me a personal lesson on how2 use this new layout of JB and im not promising wat actions wil take place during this 'personal lesson'
Posted 01 Oct 2003

PumpKin says

only u the student ?

Posted 02 Oct 2003

flawless says
WAS said:

Hey me iz bak shary, jus been a bit busy thats all
i was gonna ask, how u been but ive kinda figured that out myself...........!
I'l see u around and haan plz can u giv me a personal lesson on how2 use this new layout of JB and im not promising wat actions wil take place during this 'personal lesson'

oh dear lord, anotha desperado!
shary, buchke rehna!
these guys r all after 1 thing!
sheesh man!
Posted 02 Oct 2003

PumpKin says
Posted 02 Oct 2003

flawless says
Posted 02 Oct 2003

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