Ocean swells breathlessly beckon to me, here can be found tranquility and peace. My fate sealed beneath the forboding sea, where love goes to die, hope goes to cease.
Life can be painful as love fades away, all is hopeless, we let sorrow consume. To drown my memories of yesterday, for much pain overshadows love's bloom.
See white caps dancing like angels above, atop the waves, masquarading my fate. When darkness invades a once benign love, sometimes in heartache, death will not wait.
Thoughts of you, all the love you once gave, fill my mind with loneliness and despair. Cold heart, untruths lay in a watery grave, the clock is ticking, time to join them there.
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
On this island in the universe, I feel alone and desolate. A broken heart is like a broken seashell, It can't be repaired and nobody wants it for his collection.
A love so long ago lost, I begin to doubt if he will ever return His heart now wonders the shores of another ocean, A new wave touches his soul,
And a new air fills his heart. On this island in the universe, I feel alone and desolate. The waters pick up my broken pieces.
For awhile I float, In time I sink to the dark abyss. No one can travel to pull me up. The pressure pulverizes my pieces, I become the sand, Just a tiny grain to him, Forever looked past.....
Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
~tasha~ said:
On this island in the universe, I feel alone and desolate. A broken heart is like a broken seashell, It can't be repaired and nobody wants it for his collection.
A love so long ago lost, I begin to doubt if he will ever return His heart now wonders the shores of another ocean, A new wave touches his soul,
And a new air fills his heart. On this island in the universe, I feel alone and desolate. The waters pick up my broken pieces.
For awhile I float, In time I sink to the dark abyss. No one can travel to pull me up. The pressure pulverizes my pieces, I become the sand, Just a tiny grain to him, Forever looked past.....
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
For awhile I float, In time I sink to the dark abyss. No one can travel to pull me up. The pressure pulverizes my pieces, I become the sand, Just a tiny grain to him, Forever looked past.....
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
One step in, she knew she was in trouble. Twigs snapped underfoot like tiny spines and the soles of her shoes were thin. The basket was heavy. It dug into her arm, but she thought of the saints, how they suffered to prove their love. I love, she thought. I am. She sang to keep herself company about stars and hope and fever and her voice rang through the forest, a sound she could almost recognize. Tree branches seemed to reach for her, with their long fingers and promises of sleep, but she kept walking, toward the house, or the image of the house recreated in her heart, the house that she remembered, but amplified. Her bones ached with cold even though the cape was wool. When she saw it, when it rose up in the clearing, amber light glowing in the windows, smoke puffing against the muted sky, she almost wept with relief. And there was her grandmother in the doorway, leaning out for her in calico, taller than she should be, a little too insistent. Of course she knew right away what had happened, the way we all know the truth in an instant, but she was so tired and there was no place else to go.
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My throat speaks a suffocating scream. but you can't hear, you're too far away. You reach out to cradle, to comfort me. but I can't reach, I'm too far away.
In a glass room. I can see everything perfectly clear. But it all seems to far away. I run to gain some ground. But the walls stop me. I'm too far away.
I can make out a faint pretty picture. It's you. You're moving away. My heart breaks with every step, as I know I cannot act.
My tools have left me, so have my words. All I can say is that solitary suffocating scream. Piercing the night. Yet you don't hear, you're too far away.
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Within the depths of my mind, Dark thoughts float about. One way to silence the pain, And the overwhelming frustration within. The glint of the blade, Scarlet liquid beats below thin flesh, Cuts 'pon each slender wrist. Where will the pain be released this time? Pools of hazel close, Tears form 'round the corners. Sharp pain felt, The blade goes along it's path. A streak of crimson, A liquid drop. Fear wells within once more, The wound is sealed, Yet another scar to add to the many others. Hazel eyes looks to a mirrors image of she, She would never been good enough. Ashamed look cascades over her face, The words she wishes she could tell scream inside. But those secrets shall never be revealed, Shoved back down under her happy appearance. Only to resurface and taunt her, The secret thoughts of she, Have once more left their brand.
Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
~tasha~ said:
My throat speaks a suffocating scream. but you can't hear, you're too far away. You reach out to cradle, to comfort me. but I can't reach, I'm too far away.
In a glass room. I can see everything perfectly clear. But it all seems to far away. I run to gain some ground. But the walls stop me. I'm too far away.
I can make out a faint pretty picture. It's you. You're moving away. My heart breaks with every step, as I know I cannot act.
My tools have left me, so have my words. All I can say is that solitary suffocating scream. Piercing the night. Yet you don't hear, you're too far away.
Age: 125
6672 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I look up as a tear rolls slowly down my cheek I think about better days and wonder if I'll feel that way again you look at me with those eyes I know so well always serious, so deep and insightful as though you're always in control But not today not now Now you look so scared like for once you don't have the answer I gaze at you looking deep into those hazel eyes Hoping to understand why you've said those things you did I wonder for a moment if this is all a dream if I shall wake in the morning and be relieved you look at me with a confusion I have never seen slowly pull me towards you and wipe the tears from my cheek
Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
~tasha~ said:
I look up as a tear rolls slowly down my cheek I think about better days and wonder if I'll feel that way again you look at me with those eyes I know so well always serious, so deep and insightful as though you're always in control But not today not now Now you look so scared like for once you don't have the answer I gaze at you looking deep into those hazel eyes Hoping to understand why you've said those things you did I wonder for a moment if this is all a dream if I shall wake in the morning and be relieved you look at me with a confusion I have never seen slowly pull me towards you and wipe the tears from my cheek