Just wanted to say Hi!
I am not a pakistani btw...I am an Indian, but currently living in the U.S.
Well some of you maybe wondering what brought me here? I was
browsing few forums and it linked me here. TBH, I have been trolling this
site for quite a while now and getting a taste of your culture here. I
finally took the time and effort to register!
It's quite interesting to see Pakistani's share a lot of things common to
India yet we are made to feel so apart. Going by the posts here you guys
seem to enjoy the same taste in movies, music as much as my fellow
Indians do. I am guessing you guys know quite a bit of Indian culture in
that way. Alas, we as Indians know absolutely nothing about yours. It's
shameful I know....

Actually in retrospect its quite disappointing...
Indian and Pakistani culture being so culturally close while even though
something as silly as religion divides us it's a bond which CAN never be
broken. You know when you wonder that Americans here have close ties
with their neighbors - like Canada or their ancestral land - Europe they
have cultural links. It always wondered me being an Indian - is India the
only country where I can see my reflection of my culture? Pakistan? Def.
no - "It's an hostile enemy" repeatedly purported by the government and
politicians. I really hope one day in the future we can break the shackles
of religious and political stiffness and be extremely close friends - just
like God wanted us to be. Being an Indian someday in the future I
definitely would want to travel to another country and experience some
kind of my own culture in a free manner and likewise the opportunity for
a Pakistani to visit mine.
In the end, I just want to say I'm glad to be here.