
Age: 125
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Whatever we do, we’ll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise
For the believer ,this life is just like a cage
For the unbeliever, it’s the ultimate stage
Little does he know about the awaiting reward
Which is full of luxuries, where no-one gets bored
You’ll enter the gate of paradise, if it’s in your fate
Your deeds and actions will determine by which gate
No worldly things will you ever miss
On entering the gate, you’ll be surrounded by bliss
Four rivers will be granted by the Divine
containing water and milk, honey and wine
People will live in mansions built high
Where they’ll live forever, no-one will die
It’s bricks will be made of silver and gold
The climate will be perfect, not hot and not cold
A hundred years it will take to circle a tree
Surrounded by loved ones for all eternity
There will be no calls of nature, no-one will sleep
There will be no worries, no one will weep
When people sweat, it will smell of musk
Allah SWT will be praised from dawn till dusk
Everyone will be aged 30 or 33
And they’ll stay at that age for eternity
The inhabitants will be wearing a beautiful green gown
Sitting on thrones, wearing a crown
People will be happy, there’ll be no remorse
To visit others, they’ll have a flying horse
Men will have 2 houris as their wives
Who will remain with them for the rest of their lives
On Friday there will be a dinner for people of all races
And a bazaar where people can exchange their faces!
When walking along there’ll be many meetings
With prophets and angels, exchanging greetings
Such is the ecstasy that will then prevail
When Allah SWT removes His veil
There will be no kings, there will be no peasants
And everyone will see the Divine Allah’s presence
There are 100 levels to paradise and we should pray
That Al Firdaus, the highest will be where we stay
Allah SWT has showered us with His grace
And we have to be worthy to show our face
Whatever we do, we’ll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise