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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I remember happiness,
But it's been so long.
Memories fading,
Our love now gone.

Sometimes I'm glad,
The fights came to an end.
But then a tear falls,
And I miss you again.

I try to forget,
Push back the pain.
But then it all comes back,
When I hear your name.

I wonder where you are,
Are you happy or sad.
Do you ever think of me,
Or the love we had.

I sometimes wonder,
How you'd give up something so dear.
What once was mine,
Is now her's with a drop of a tear.

They say if you love something,
Let it go.
Will you come back,
Only God knows.

Will I ever find love,
Or were you for me.
Why her then,
If we're meant to be.

I hope this isn't it,
I need just one more try.
But until my time comes,
Tears will continue to fall from my eyes.
Posted 16 Aug 2007

sun_shine says
nice sharing
Posted 16 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx ss & king

Posted 16 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

apnayaar says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

cutefriend says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thx esha, apnayaar, cf, fg sis & balqooo

Posted 17 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 17 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx chanda
Posted 18 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
I am only human,
I hurt like the rest of you,
I have feelings too,

I don't show,
Not because i'd bee seen as being weak,
And not because i'm 'hard',

I don't cry when i should,
I keep it inside,
Because that's what i've learnt to do,

All my life,
I have seen people cry,
And i have seen them be battered down,

I vowed never to be treated like that,
I cryed once,
And that was the last,

I learnt the hard way,
Although I still get treated like i'm a punchbag,

I'm told that crying is a powerfull thing,
But where did it get the others?
And where would it get me?
Posted 23 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Under an azure sky of blue,
I walk along, thinking of you.
I remember all the times we shared
And how much you told me you cared.

Through an emerald green forest, we would walk
Passing the time with all our talk
Of our furture and times long past
And of how our love would always last.

I stand and look towards the golden sun
And remember all the times of fun
We had, but shall never be lost,
Never be forgotten at any cost.

I now press my fingers to your face
And this causes my very heart to race.
A tear falls slowly down my cheek
And my knees begin to get weak.

With one last look, I turn away.
In my head, I will never forget this day.
With a tear in my eye and an ache in my heart
I know that we are truly apart.

The lid is now slowly shut
And my very soul is cut.
I whisper one final good-bye
And wipe a lond tear from my eye.
Posted 23 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 23 Aug 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
~tasha~ said:

I remember happiness,
But it's been so long.
Memories fading,
Our love now gone.

Sometimes I'm glad,
The fights came to an end.
But then a tear falls,
And I miss you again.

I try to forget,
Push back the pain.
But then it all comes back,
When I hear your name.

I wonder where you are,
Are you happy or sad.
Do you ever think of me,
Or the love we had.

I sometimes wonder,
How you'd give up something so dear.
What once was mine,
Is now her's with a drop of a tear.

They say if you love something,
Let it go.
Will you come back,
Only God knows.

Will I ever find love,
Or were you for me.
Why her then,
If we're meant to be.

I hope this isn't it,
I need just one more try.
But until my time comes,
Tears will continue to fall from my eyes.

Posted 23 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:

wht happened dear?
Posted 23 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
~CHANDNI~ said:

~tasha~ said:

I remember happiness,
But it's been so long.
Memories fading,
Our love now gone.

Sometimes I'm glad,
The fights came to an end.
But then a tear falls,
And I miss you again.

I try to forget,
Push back the pain.
But then it all comes back,
When I hear your name.

I wonder where you are,
Are you happy or sad.
Do you ever think of me,
Or the love we had.

I sometimes wonder,
How you'd give up something so dear.
What once was mine,
Is now her's with a drop of a tear.

They say if you love something,
Let it go.
Will you come back,
Only God knows.

Will I ever find love,
Or were you for me.
Why her then,
If we're meant to be.

I hope this isn't it,
I need just one more try.
But until my time comes,
Tears will continue to fall from my eyes.

thanx dear
Posted 23 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
~tasha~ said:

^dewaja^ said:

wht happened dear?

Posted 24 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

Posted 24 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:

~tasha~ said:

^dewaja^ said:

wht happened dear?


ok ok stop crying
Posted 24 Aug 2007

eshajam says
great sab ko rula diya
Posted 25 Aug 2007

eshajam says
I'm sittin here wondering why life is this way
My life was great till it came crumbling down
As the tears are rolling down my face
Everyone around me is laughing
They're enjoying everything I used to have

Another tear hits the floor
Here comes another memory of my past
No one notices my pain,no one seems to care
My heart is torn into a million pieces

Then here you come and wipe my tears
You heal my wounds,but scars remain
You show me the joy in life,I'm happy again
You take my hand & tell me you'll always be there
I smile because I believe you

The years go by,you're still by my side
I've forgotten all my pain
My tears have faded but my scars stay
Life has a new meaning since you've come around
I still remember that day you came
You took that blade away and said thats not the way

Another tear is saved from hittin the floor
Here comes another painful memory
You see my pain,you really seem to care
You took my shattered heart and mended it

Now look at you today holdin that blade
Look at what you've become,you're what i used to be
I take it away & toss it away
I dry your tears and mend your heart
I hold your hand & tell you it'll be ok
Tears fade but the scars stay
I'm here for you,you're here for me
We'll share each others pain
We won't ever be alone,
i'll stand by your side...
Like you did when i was alone...!!!
Posted 25 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 26 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
good work jameel
Posted 26 Aug 2007

valandrian says
Posted 06 May 2018

Posted 23 Sep 2018

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