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Age: 37
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0

United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I had this feeling,
That you could be mine.
That together we can make,
Life beautiful and Divine.

I had this feeling,
That we were perfect together.
That we could remain,
Happy and blessed forever.

I had this feeling,
That we had it all.
That you would help me,
Rise every-time I fall.

I had this feeling,
Every-time I looked into your eyes it's true.
That your sight was going past,
My heart, soul and through.

I had this feeling,
Every-time we kissed.
Of all that time we'd wasted before,
All that pleasure which for so long we had missed.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you held me in your arms.
I could sleep besides you,
And not be woken by the loudest alarms.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you were near me.
That I wanted the world to,
Stop forever so we could be.

I had this feeling,
Every-time I lay next to you.
That I'd known you for many lifetimes,
That we were together before this life too.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you were there,
That this was too good to be true,
That something so amazingly incredible was so rare.

I have this feeling,
Now that you have gone.
My heart is still connected to you,
I will always love you and you will be the only one.

My heart will always cherish your memories.
Posted 29 Aug 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 29 Aug 2007

eshajam says
thanks dear ones
Posted 29 Aug 2007

great poem
Posted 29 Aug 2007

Fairl_Girl says
v nice
Posted 30 Aug 2007

eshajam says

great poem

ji thanks
Posted 30 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Fairl_Girl said:

v nice

thanks FG
Posted 30 Aug 2007

eshajam says
ok jaani
Posted 03 Sep 2007

eshajam said:

I had this feeling,
That you could be mine.
That together we can make,
Life beautiful and Divine.

I had this feeling,
That we were perfect together.
That we could remain,
Happy and blessed forever.

I had this feeling,
That we had it all.
That you would help me,
Rise every-time I fall.

I had this feeling,
Every-time I looked into your eyes it's true.
That your sight was going past,
My heart, soul and through.

I had this feeling,
Every-time we kissed.
Of all that time we'd wasted before,
All that pleasure which for so long we had missed.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you held me in your arms.
I could sleep besides you,
And not be woken by the loudest alarms.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you were near me.
That I wanted the world to,
Stop forever so we could be.

I had this feeling,
Every-time I lay next to you.
That I'd known you for many lifetimes,
That we were together before this life too.

I had this feeling,
Every-time you were there,
That this was too good to be true,
That something so amazingly incredible was so rare.

I have this feeling,
Now that you have gone.
My heart is still connected to you,
I will always love you and you will be the only one.

My heart will always cherish your memories.

Posted 04 Sep 2007

eshajam says
thanks sis
Posted 04 Sep 2007

welx bro
Posted 04 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 04 Sep 2007

eshajam says
When I look at you
I don't know what i see
just a normal girl, i guess
staring back at me

Although my feelings grow
I know yours' do not
Because I can't tell if there is any there
If there is feelings to be sought

I wish you would just tell me
how you really feel
Look in my eyes
Tell me love is real

Please, if you love me
Don't break my heart
My love for you can't change
It's been there from the start...
Posted 05 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 05 Sep 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 06 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 06 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 06 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 07 Sep 2007

eshajam says
where is tashu and KING
Posted 08 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Feelings, trying to be released.
Wanting to be explained.
Yet, they stay inside my soul.
Desperately, they await to be freed.

Fighting to make sense.
But, it just doesn't happen.
Another hidden meaning,
Once again will be passed by.

Anger, building up quickly.
Words, that stay in my mind.
Pen, waiting to write again.
Blank paper, stares at me like an enemy.

They may never know,
But it's a warning sign,
To the feelings within.
The pain forced to hide.
Posted 08 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Even in freedom everything seems to be held captive,
Untill you reach that place where all can be released,
You know what you feel but its hidden so well no one can see,
Keeping everything inside feels as if you live in a world of darkness,
Knowing that all held inside will lead you into the light,
No matter when it comes out one person will be hurt,
Your so far down this hole that you cant dig your way out,
So lost in your thoughts that your drowning in yourown tears,
Everything is way over your head but underneath your feet,
Leting all be released has brought you out of the hole,
Revived you from your tears and brought you to the light,
If your going for what makes you happy its right.
Posted 14 Sep 2007

May Be says
Posted 15 Sep 2007

Miss mine says

Gud Work CB
Posted 15 Sep 2007

Darkjal says
Posted 16 Sep 2007

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 16 Sep 2007

khayali says
Posted 17 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 17 Sep 2007

eshajam says

Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
How can something so wrong feel so right
The way we sit and talk every night
You seem to know every little thought in my head
But i put up a wall and block you instead

Im so scared of letting you in
This feeling of insecurity lies deep within
Scared of hurting and feeling used
My feelings are mixed up and im all confused

I feel youre someone who'll always be there
Its reassuring because i know you care
Im scared of getting to attatched to you
Because of all the hurt ive been put through

I know i should trust you really i do
But i cant help feeling you'll hurt me too
I dont want that to happen so i'll just lie
Pretend that im fine as i look in your eyes.
Posted 18 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 18 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 18 Sep 2007

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