Anti Pak?? Anti Indian??

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Age: 125
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Just a thought. Why my topic on Shahid afridi was deleted and sent to trash??. I dont know if it was against Pakistan or Islam or India or hinduism. It was just about a single Individual. I just happened to cross this thing and thought it was funny. it just happened that the person being talked about was a pakistani. It caught my attention because the person being talked about was a relative of such a big star who has crazy like fan following in the sub continent.
If you call it anti pakistani---- then I think any post which says anything negative against Hrithink or Shahrukh or Ameesha or Bipasha an anti Indian post. and in that case i should be raising the same objections.
Its an appeal to Moderators and Admin to undelete my topic. So its an appeal to them not to fall for such silly objections.
For Raptors -- I am not shy of getting into verbal duets. So Mr. Raptors if you want to set the boards on fire again, I am ready for it, but r u sure you r ready enuf for that. Because once I start...... theres nothing stopping me.
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
it wasn't anti pakistani or anti indian, it was political in some its at the right place...
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Mani says
True true.
PM sharara.
Ah .. just more o ur "verbal duets" wid anyone and i'll personally make sure ur done for kid!
Chill :)
Posted 18 Sep 2003

desibaba says
and will the Fanatic Khan please explain me why was the Post Political in any ways . or is it that just because some silly people raise some silly objection the moderators become silly enough to make such silly decisions.
I mean really.. come on what makes you think that the post had a political nature.
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
Anything related to Terrorism is a political yea do it again n it will get to the right place again...n don't threaten ppl by sayin no one can stop u on the net n stuff, cuz it's just internet kid don't take out your emotions over here...
Posted 18 Sep 2003

desibaba says
Did you have a lot of beer last night or am I missing something khan. I dont recollect threatening you or for that anyone in the above posts. It is rather me who is being threatened here by Mani who says that he ll make sure the boards dont see more of me.
Lol.... this was not about terrorism but about one terrorist. LOl..i am sure you wont understand the difference. Grow up khan.. grow up.. long way to go...
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
your posts are
keep posting...i'm sure they wont lock all of em...
Posted 18 Sep 2003

cool down desibaba

remember..i told ya in advance that this is going to happen.
at least they throw your topic in trash. mine was deleted fr everywhere.

and if ya want a real unbiased forum that go to some indian site.
Posted 18 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
Originally posted by AyeshaKhan_Fanatic

Anything related to Terrorism is a political yea do it again n it will get to the right place again...n don't threaten ppl by sayin no one can stop u on the net n stuff, cuz it's just internet kid don't take out your emotions over here...

well said nasir [^]
Posted 18 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
Originally posted by nishu

cool down desibaba

remember..i told ya in advance that this is going to happen.
at least they throw your topic in trash. mine was deleted fr everywhere.

and if ya want a real unbiased forum that go to some indian site.

nishant .... i wasnt expecting it from ya now ....
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
yaar mein to hamesha hi sahi kehta hoon...samajhne ki baat hai na...
Posted 18 Sep 2003

jag says
See, perhaps there may be many of the reasons appearing while you are outta here, whatever decision is taking to delete / move or remove topics/replies is the best favour for the forums & people visiting it that is including you too.

I hope you people will understand & not issue questions again on why did the topic / reply was removed or deleted. It's just good for everybody.

Posted 18 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
ADMIN is 10000000% rite
Posted 18 Sep 2003

ffm what i said wrong here?
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Mani says
No no no no...thats wat admin does...i was merely thinking...Chill
Posted 18 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
Originally posted by nishu

ffm what i said wrong here?

nothing .... [:)]
Posted 18 Sep 2003

ricky boy says
Posted 18 Sep 2003

T.O says
u ain't special either....
Posted 18 Sep 2003

T.O says
Posted 18 Sep 2003

T.O says
Posted 18 Sep 2003

T.O says
Posted 18 Sep 2003

T.O says

Posted 18 Sep 2003

2HOT4U says
wtf? he didn't jus edit yo post! UGH!! YOU'RE GETTIN ON MAH NERVES!!!
Posted 19 Sep 2003

T.O says
All u mods are getting on the nerves of Pakistanis at this board....Admin will be notified!
Posted 19 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
T.O chill out man...
aren't u the one who said, don't reply to "these indians" well then don't let them get to you now...chill out

stop comlainin like a 2 yr old kid...or they will be keep bannin you...
Posted 19 Sep 2003

Mani says
Kids these days...
Posted 19 Sep 2003

chill out you pplz ... :) if you have any complain ... let me know :) by a simple PM :)
Posted 19 Sep 2003

T.O says
Ya no PM for me I can say it out!

I got a few problems with the moderation at this board.

A. Mods are banning me when I haven't started pointless topics!
B. They are not deleting the filthy posts of indians yet are taking away my threads and my replys
C. They are not doing there job

I don't think I have missed anything.......I've had it with the crappy moderation simply sucks....most of e'm are pro indians.....and only god knows why for that matter.......please if YOU can do something than can you......and teach these moderators how to do there job (i.e..ffm, 2HOT4U, Mani)

Posted 19 Sep 2003

Mani says
Posted 19 Sep 2003

Cute_gal says
hahahahaaha......bezti again @ mani...:p
Posted 19 Sep 2003

desibaba says
Attention Admin
Thanks for replying. You think my topic on shahid's cousin was about terrorism and politically motivated. well how would you name an article whose heading reads "Palestine suicide bombers well done".
I dont know and understand the stick you use to measure topics on scale of politics. My advise is you guys dont have to buckle under pressure from certain individuals.
I really appreciate you people trying hard to maintain peace on boards. I also do understand that the actions you take are for benefit for the board and so for all. All I am telling is just make your actions more explainable. See wee live in a democratic world. where the authorities always have to be answerable to common man.
JanuBaba Rocks. Admin Rocks. All the Mods Rocks.
DesiBaba Rocks

Posted 19 Sep 2003

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