..Salatut Tasbeeh..

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Age: 37
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates

- Prayer Of Glorification -

In Salaatut Tasbeeh, the following Kalimaat are recited 300 times:

SubhanAllah Wal Hamdillilah Wa La Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar

I declare the purity of Allah; and all praises are due to Allah alone; and there is none worthy of worship besides Allah; and Allah is great.

It is mentioned in the Hadeeth that RasulAllah (SAW) mentioned its reward and method to his uncle, Abbas ibn Abdel Mutallib (RA) thus:
"O honorable uncle, should I not present to you ten such gifts, ten such blessings... which if you act upon, Allah will forgive all your sins, whether past or future, old or new, intentional or unintentional, minor or major, open or hidden? Observe four Rak'aat Salaah in this manner: recite the Faatihah and any Surah in all four Rak'aat. After Qiraat in each Rak'aat recite the above mentioned Kalimaat 15 times:

In Ruku, after saying Subhana Rabbiyal A'zeem thrice, recite it 10 times. After getting up from Ruku recite it 10 times. In Sajdah, after saying Subhana Rabbiyal A'la thrice, recite 10 times. When getting up from the Sajdah recite it 10 times. When going in Sajdah (again) recite it 10 times, after saying Subhana Rabbiyal A'la thrice. When getting up from Sajdah, while seated and before standing, recite it 10 times. The total is 75 times. In this way you will recite it 300 times in all four Rak'aat. If possible, perform this Salah daily. If this is not possible then once every Friday (Before Salaatul Jumuah). If this is not possible then once a month. If this is not possible then once a year. And if this is also not possible then at least once in a lifetime.

You may attach Wala Haula Walaa Quwatta Illa Billahil A'lyyil A'zeem to the Tasbeeh and recite it as follows:

SubhanAllah Wal Hamdillilah Wa La Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar Wala Haula Walaa Quwatta Illa Billahil A'lyyil A'zeem

declare the purity of Allah; and all praises are due to Allah alone; and there is none worthy of worship besides Allah; and Allah is great; and there is no strength to avoid evil and to do good except with the help of Allah, The High, The Great.

According to the Hadeeth these Kalimaat are the Baaqiyaatus Saalihaat meaning Perpetual Virtue as they cause the sins (of a person) to fall off just as leaves shed off a tree (during autumn) and they are from among the treasures of Jannah.

Posted 12 Sep 2007

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