
Age: 37
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Last night before went to bed
Thoughts of you filled my head
I have not cried this way in many of years
Onto my pillow fell six silent tears
The first was for your smile that I missed
The second was for your gentle face
And thoughts of your loving embrace
The third came as no suprise
As I thought of your beautiful eyes
The fourth came rolling down my face
The fifth came for one reason.... alone
I felt my love for you wasn't fully shown
I really love and miss you my dear
And there just fell...
the sixth silent tears..!!

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
When she cried for him,
her single tear was like
a precious pearl.
when she cried for him,
her single tear was more
than shining stars.
When she cried for him,
Seven oceans seemed nothing
in front of her one tear.
I am happy, after knowing this,
because; I also cried in someone's love.

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Some people seem to have
a lot of luck in their lives
Some people seem to have,
all the laughs all the smiles
We wish life could be better
If only they knew
If i could just for one day,
spend a day being you
But what we dont realise,
that deep in their heart
They're hurting, they're bleeding
They're falling apart
Just like you,
they need a strong hand
A hand to guide them through
the good and the bad
To smile may be a task
So lets all look near
Because behind this great mask,
there is always a tear

Age: 37
6443 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Memories of a friend, from so long ago,
So many years, now you're more like a ghost.
Searching, just trying to find a reason why,
You left before, you said goodbye.
Remember the times, we swung in the trees,
Climbed on the branches, and scraped up our knees.
Or running around, just acting a fool.
Those were the good times, from so long ago,
The times with my lost friend, I no longer know.