United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Life is a circle, It never ends, never stops. Life is forever, beyond death, Beyond those pearly gates. Life on earth may end, but life itself never ends. Life has much value to most people. Life has no value to others. But Life isn't Anything to me without you. Life has grown more beautiful, more magnificent, since I met you. This Life is mine now. And I'm taking it by the Horns, but I want my life to be with you. Please, stay in my life.
Age: 37
6438 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I was broken, Left aside to sulk and lick my wounds, dissed by those who claimed to be there for me, And left too stand on two painful legs.
I was burning, under all those staring eyes, and all the lies I have heard, left here too feel lone and hated.
I was suffering, with the least love, and the heat of hell, and all I had was a little pillow of mine.
I was suicidal, left alone with nothing by my side, but then god decided too help, And sent YOU TO ME..
You changed me, brought me up from the darkest time, and healed my wounds, And made me strong.
Now Im here, With all those who love unwillingly, and who love unconditionally It is all because of you, you gave me my life and my life without you is nothing..
Age: 37
6438 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
You will always be in my heart even if you are with him You will always be in my dreams even if you are not mine You will always be the one i love even if you don't love me You will always be the number one in my life even if you don't care about me I will always love you even if you forget about me
Age: 37
6438 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
You were the one i thought of all night long the one i would sit and think about every moment i could the one who made everything okay in my world the one person who could make me happy when no once else could i love you from the first moment i met you i knew you were the right person for me
without you i dont want to be here i dont want to live without you becuase without you there is no life for me
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What would I do Without you? How would I live? Where would I go To lay down my head And my worries? Who would listen to My dreams And hopeful ambitions? When would I feel The joys of contentment Of companionship? Of being one With another And with love?
What would I do Without you? I would close my eyes, Remember your warmth, Your smile, Your passionate way Of tackling life And me... I would close my eyes And remember And wish And long For your touch, Your grace...
What would I do Without you? I would relish Our memories And wish you were here... I love you
Age: 37
6438 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
A day without you, Is a day without me, For you make me who I am, And who I want to be. A day without you, Is a day without light, For you light up my sky, And you light up my life. A day without you, Is a day without sound, For I open my ears, To hear you around. A day without you, Is a day without cheer, For you make me smile, And you don't cause a tear. A day without you, Is a day without sight, For you open my eyes, And make my world bright.