can sum1 uplod the songs and sum scenes frm this movie eirhe on youtube or on ere plzzz. especially,. the snake scene, which i thought was such a change in a pakistani film.
Age: 125
7645 days old here
Total Posts: 986
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
the film was wasted by releasing it on eid, it had ingrediants to become a smash hit, they should have delayed it. its not even playing in the new cinepax in pindi.
Age: 125
6822 days old here
Total Posts: 1187
Points: 0
mr nice guy...ab jangaye hein!
Yoyo u said absoulutely right! This should have been rlsed even after Eid-ul-Azha.After Moharram so it had to face less competition. Despite Censor Boards Chairman statements tht Goal and Sajna Va Sajna are illeage,Goal has rlsed tuday and Sajna Va Sajna will takeover Jhoomer here in Karachi at Bambino Cinema-The only cinema which is playin Jhoomer and its a B-Grade Cinema were most ppl dunt cum.Maybe Jhoomer will be shifted on Prince,they shuld have rlsed the film on good cinemas like Capri,Prince,Nishat...this is the mistake Syed Noor does wid Majajan also..only 1 cinema and tht too Bambino!