Age: 124
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
** An Ant saw strawberry juice & shouted: "Aaaah at last I visited
the red sea!!!!"
**Two cockroaches were admitted in ICU,
The first Cockroach asked: "Raid???"
The second Cockroach replied: "No, Shoe!!!"
**An NRI sent a blank sms to his wife, why?
He didn't want to talk to her!!!
**A man hit his brand new car in to the wall, why?
He wanted to test whether the airbags are working!!!
**Policeman caught a drunk man & asked: "Why your eyes are red?", The
drunk man replied: "Actually i drunk tomato sauce while i was
**Two mad people were fighting on motorcycle, why?
They were arguing about 'who will sit near the window'!!!