Eid Box office Update.

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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan

Its a real shame i knew before the release that all crapp punjabi movies r gonna be flops but here is a new addition in the list of indian films failed badly in pakistan, an eye opener for those who think every indian movie cud do wonders at the pak box office.
Posted 24 Dec 2007

deely says
I think producers and directors need to realise as it is being said time and time again STOP making stupid films with badmaash and gujjars and other rubbish like dat. I am disapointed that producers fail to see the films like Khuda ke liye and other fantastic films. why can't they realise that time and money is getting spent on such rubbbsih films which don' have any agendas apart from gujjars and and vulgar dances!
Posted 24 Dec 2007

Well,certainly not all indian movies can be sucssesful in Pakistan.Only Awarapan is the one movie which was reallly sucsseful,even Goal is average.
I read this article,those sh*tty punjabi movies will never be sucssesful.I was expecting Anjaam to be released but it wasnt.
This eid was purely tasteless...!
The reason of Gangster is tht it was seen by people on cable and dvd.It was released late in Pakistan and so the response is very bad.I didnt watched Gangster so just cumin frm Cineplex watchin it.There were barely 20 ppl.
Posted 24 Dec 2007

afridi_hasnat said:

Well,certainly not all indian movies can be sucssesful in Pakistan.Only Awarapan is the one movie which was reallly sucsseful,even Goal is average.
I read this article,those sh*tty punjabi movies will never be sucssesful.I was expecting Anjaam to be released but it wasnt.
This eid was purely tasteless...!
The reason of Gangster is tht it was seen by people on cable and dvd.It was released late in Pakistan and so the response is very bad.I didnt watched Gangster so just cumin frm Cineplex watchin it.There were barely 20 ppl.

why u didn't watched zibah khana ?
Posted 25 Dec 2007

charizmatic said:

afridi_hasnat said:

Well,certainly not all indian movies can be sucssesful in Pakistan.Only Awarapan is the one movie which was reallly sucsseful,even Goal is average.
I read this article,those sh*tty punjabi movies will never be sucssesful.I was expecting Anjaam to be released but it wasnt.
This eid was purely tasteless...!
The reason of Gangster is tht it was seen by people on cable and dvd.It was released late in Pakistan and so the response is very bad.I didnt watched Gangster so just cumin frm Cineplex watchin it.There were barely 20 ppl.

why u didn't watched zibah khana ?

Due to some reasons i culdnt..but i will definately watch it later...!
Posted 25 Dec 2007

deely says
in my opnion indian films are a wste of time releasing pkistan. if they are going to get released then big films such as om shanti om etc. shud get released not rubbish films like godfather and goal etc.
Posted 25 Dec 2007

deely said:

in my opnion indian films are a wste of time releasing pkistan. if they are going to get released then big films such as om shanti om etc. shud get released not rubbish films like godfather and goal etc.

i agree with u but its a political game nothing else on one side indians r not allowing our movies on the other hand our government have allowed indian films but very cleverly they have made sure that no biggies come out in theaters they r only giving green signal to old movies or the smaller one's.
Posted 25 Dec 2007

Well finally the Govt.will soon be annoucning its policy about releasing Indian films in Pakistan.At first it was decided by the committe that 24 Indians films can be released per year but later that was decreased and i am not sure...maybe now 10 films indian films can release..i dunt know thiz...!

Posted 27 Dec 2007

deely says
I believe that rubbish films are released in Pakistan to get the extra money. Pakistan should start to get a bit more wiser about the fact that India is a competitor, not a friend. It is suprising to see that only Neha Dupia and Nasrudin shah hav jus made small parts in films. in my opnion tis shud stop as well. i mean Pakistan has got talent that is outstanding. Directirs and producers need to be a bit more alert about these factors.
Posted 27 Dec 2007

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

Posted 24 Sep 2018

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