eshajam said:wowBloody tears are falling
from my eyes.
As I stand in front of you
about to take my life.
You beg and you plead,
for me not to, with no prevail.
Can't you see
that the world is better off with out me?
You might hurt for a while but
the memories and the pain will fade.
I don't really want to,but,
I don't want your pity either.
Bloody tears have fallen
with the end of my life
~tasha~ said:wow gr8
eshajam said:
you are a person with a heart of gold,
how much I Love You,
can never be told,
But.. now that i were here ,
and now that im
and i know that,
ur gonna miss me on....
Hope these years pass like days...
and we remember the memories in,
~tasha~ said:
Miss mine said:
eshajam said:
you are a person with a heart of gold,
how much I Love You,
can never be told,
But.. now that i were here ,
and now that im
and i know that,
ur gonna miss me on....
Hope these years pass like days...
and we remember the memories in,
gr8 yaru
sun_shine said:great work Miss tasha and Mr.Eshajam
yaa i remember i should change my avatar back to the tears lolz
eshajam said:My feelings were hurt
By the time you had passed
I felt my heart beating
My body feeling this sudden urge
This urge to let the tears drop
Falling from my eyes
Rolling down my soft pale cheek
Wiping them off
With my delicate fingers
Wanting these feelings to disappear
Leave and never come back
Wanting my tears of sadness
To evaporate into the unseen air
Never noticed to me again
Wanting everything and everyone to disappear
Leave me alone
Leaving all of our sweet memories behind
So I can breathe again
To be happy again
To live life normally again
To act like a normal child
To have you here again!!!